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The "I am currently reading" thread


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They are both really good books, full of religion and intrigue but not the dumbed down claptrap written by the likes of Brown.


I read "Foucault's" years ago when I was at University and felt such a feeling of achievement when I finished it. It wasn't an easy read but well worth it.


I read "The name of.." after watching the film, which was unfortunate really as the images from the film tended to cloud my reading of the book.


I'm really looking forward to reading "Foucault's" - it sounds like just the sort of intellectual intrigue and mental puzzles I love getting my teeth into.


However, I was flicking through "The Name of..." and kept stopping every so often to read a bit, as something interesting caught my eye. It sounds like this book is a slightly more accessible version of "Foucault's" so I think I'll start with it, and get my brain in training for the intellectual feast that is "Foucault's"! :)



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There was a very good american mini-series based on 'the company', with Chris O'Donnell and Micheal Keaton. This lead me to discover Robert Littel, it is a good meaty read with over 1000 pages.


After I have scooted through Robert Littel's books I will try to catch some of Alan Furst's books, can you recommend me one?


Ah ha! Found a copy of 'The Company' in a charity shop today - my word it is meaty! - am about to tuck in.


Also found two le Carre's that I didn't already have, 'Surveillance' by Jonathan Raban and a guilty pleasure - Mary Wesley.


All for just under a tenner, too - I love charity shops.

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Le Carre - gosh I used to read a lot of his books...which two did you find Jessica23m haven't read anything by him for years


Anyone got the Janet Street Porter Autobiog, quite interested in hearing about it before I commit.

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They get stranger!


Try and avoid the ones published since her death, would be my advice.


I have read her books, some years ago, and a few months ago, I re-read one of the "heaven" series, just to see if it was as dire and bleak as I remembered... it was!!!


I really do find V-A's books formulaic, unimaginative, and "written-by-numbers". And, (IMO) poorly written at that.


The plots are just so same-y, and salacious, in all her series, the "flowers" series the "heaven" series, the "My Sweet Audrina" book (s?) etc...


And yes, the ones written after her death (the "new" Virginia Andrews) definitely get worse.

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