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George Orwell would turn in his grave if he read that :o


He was a confirmed Democratic Socialist and anti-totalitarian, hence his hatred for the excesses of Stalinism, which many others on the left sought to ignore or play down.


Well I hope the story ends differently to the way it's going now then! :hihi:


It's the first of his books that I've read, so I don't know his political stance on anything. I am relieved to hear what you're telling me because, before reading Animal Farm, I was looking forward to tackling '1984' next and, when I began to suspect he was secreting capitalist ideals into his books, I lost my enthusiasm.

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Ok just finished Animal Farm. I think I understand a little better. At first I thought the moral was that communism does not work and revolution is pointless. Now, from what I can gather, the animals began under the capitalist rule of Mr Jones, then Old Major envisioned Communism and shared this idea with the animals. After the revolution, Napoleon corrupted their utopia by implementing something akin to Stalinism... that's my schoolgirl take on it anyway. :hihi:


I apologise to Mr Orwell for thinking the worst and hope he can stop spinning in his grave now.

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Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D.James. It's a sort of sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and is written using that Austen kind of style and vocabulary, but features crime and police, as you would expect from P.D.James. I'm enjoying it.

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