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Anyone read a book by Sean Mayes, detailing his time as a pianist for David Bowie on the '78 'Stage' shows across the world? It's called 'Life On Tour With Bowie'. One of those books I didn't want to end, especially knowing the author has now left us.

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Oddly, i just came back from my mums, and she's handed me Coffin Road by the same author. She found it on the charity table at sainsburys. Can't get away from the bloke!


Now finished The Lewis series and on the whole really enjoyed them.


Now reading The Vault, a Wexford novel by Ruth Rendell. Good but I keep getting distracted by lousy proofreading. If I can spot errors and inconsistency why couldn't the publisher? No doubt they use a machine to proofread these days which will spot spelling mistakes but not out and out errors.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just finished 'Dancing naked in the mind field' by Kary Mullis. He won the Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1993 for inventing the polymerase chain reaction, which revolutionised DNA research. But that's where the resemblance to a conventional scientist ends because Mullis is also a bit of an oddball - he took LSD in the 60s, likes surfing, believes in astrology and has some against the grain views on AIDS and global warming which often get him into trouble. Oh, and he thinks was abducted by an alien that looked like a glowing racoon.


He was also associated with the wonderful Max Gergel, whose own bizarre, scurrilous but highly entertaining memoir, titled 'Excuse me sir, would you like to buy a kilo of isopropyl bromide?' can be downloaded from the link on his Wikipedia page here:



Read it along time ago. Fascinating read. He was latter -unfairly in my opinion- labelled as an HIV denialist. His PCR techniques are widely used in HIV detection.

I'm currentnly reading: "Sex, Ecology and Spirituality", by Ken Wilber.

I estimate it will take me the rest of my life to finish it. So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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We have a week in Edinburgh every year and love recognising all the locations Rankin writes about, especially The Oxford Bar.


I can't for the life of me know why he hasn't set a murder

, the out and out scariest place in Edinburgh.


Just working my way through these books ..up to "The Falls" at the moment

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