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The "I am currently reading" thread


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I got Use of Weapons yesterday, I only read a couple of chapters so far and its just... The best yet of the books Banks has written that Ive read and Up there among the best Science Fiction Ive read ever.


Believe me, when you get to the end the first thing you'll want to do is go straight back and read it again. With a stiff drink.

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I still can't be bothered to read that so I'm reading One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson


I really rate Kate Atkinson and recommend her all over the place but some of my friends consider that she is total poo. It saddens me.


I'm on Kim Philby, My Silent War. Chilling stuff.

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I am starting the Ragged Trousered Philanthropists tonight, kindly lent to me by suffragette1


I used to work with a guy who listed this as his favourite book.


Whenever we'd been out and he'd had a few too many, he would always start on about it to the taxi drivers on the way home, even though he found it really difficult to pronounce the title when sloshed.


Great book.

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Am reading Brave Mouth by Pamela Stevenson. I know its been out for ages but haven't got round to reading it until now. Enjoying it so far. Its nice sometimes to read a book just for pleasure, where you can relax and don't have to engage the brain too much!

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