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The "I am currently reading" thread


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I am really enjoying The Steep Approach to Garbadale by Iain Banks.


It feels and reads a lot like The Crow Road, which is one of his best, but with a lighter touch. There is the familiar odd extended family story and the "cousin" :suspect: who the main protagonist is in love with and a death in the past which will no doubt prove to not be as was first thought. All typical Banksian stuff:thumbsup:


Have just finished this and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's beautifully written and although I had an inkling of what the "dreadful secret" would be it was still a page turner.


Definitely his best since Crow Road and Complicity.


I have now gone for a complete change and am going to start Robert Rankin's "the da-da-de-da-da code"

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+ ive started doing this thing i call charity shop bingo. If i go into a charity shop i'll buy a book from an author ive probably not read before instead of playing it safe and going for what i know. does anyone else do this?


Oooh, no I don't. I might start now, though - nice idea!


(Does it count if you're familiar with the author's work secondhand, or does it have to be something totally new?)

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Oooh, no I don't. I might start now, though - nice idea!


(Does it count if you're familiar with the author's work secondhand, or does it have to be something totally new?)


The great thing about charity shop bingo is that you make the rules. Most of the books i've bought have been completly based on the blurb and as to whether ive seen my friends reading books by the author. It's helped me branch out because i wouldnt really spend £7 on a new book by an author i dont know but if its around £1-2 and helps a good cause you can't really loose out. Let me know how you get on with it. My pick of the bunch ive bought so far is "The Curious Incedent of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. After reading it i couldnt beleive i hadnt read it before.



Also if the books not too good you can just give it back to the charity store and they will probably sell it to someone else and raise more money.

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The great thing about charity shop bingo is that you make the rules. Most of the books i've bought have been completly based on the blurb and as to whether ive seen my friends reading books by the author. It's helped me branch out because i wouldnt really spend £7 on a new book by an author i dont know but if its around £1-2 and helps a good cause you can't really loose out.


If you go to the Oxfam bookshop on West Street, then nearly all of the fiction looks unread or read once (not tatty yellowing things!) AND they give you a stamp on a loyalty card every time you buy a book. 15 stamps = one free book!


The last few times I've gone in I've found at least three or four off my "to read" wishlist, including ones that haven't been out long, at prices even cheaper than buying them off Amazon Marketplace... AND I've been able to give to charity at the same time as saving a few pennies myself. I also intend to give them back any of the ones I don't intend to keep for eternity (I'm a bit of a hoarder when I *love* a book!)

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I finished Past Mortem - very impressed for my first Ben Elton, not at all what i was expecting with a very graphic sex scene which when i told people about, a male friend walked away in disgust! :hihi: Very se7en esque, black comedy and it's based on Friends reunited, so all you facebookers beware! ;)


I'm now starting another girlie book called The other side of the story by Marian Keyes although it was one of those free ones with a magazine where the font size is about 6 (seriously) so it's a glasses for definite job. This sometimes puts me off a book so whether i'll see it through is another question.

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I finished Past Mortem - very impressed for my first Ben Elton, not at all what i was expecting with a very graphic sex scene which when i told people about, a male friend walked away in disgust! :hihi: Very se7en esque, black comedy and it's based on Friends reunited, so all you facebookers beware! ;)


If you fancy trying another Elton novel, I can highly recommend Popcorn - haven't read it for years but was very entertained when I did. It's based around a sort of Tarantino character and (having just checked it out on Wiki) is a play as well and has won all sorts of awards.

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