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The "I am currently reading" thread


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Re: McEwan, I always think his novels improve on re-reading, assuming you can wade through it all in the first place. The only one I've read so far that I really rate is The Innocent.


As for what I'm currently reading: Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine, Zoe Heller's Notes on a Scandal and American Psycho, yet again ;)

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Carlos Castaneda ->The Teachings Of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way Of Knowledge :thumbsup:


I had that recomended to me a few years ago, i thought it was pretentious sillyness at the time, perhaps i'll read it again, I can hardly remember it. Also i just realised i never gave it back to the guy who lent it to me!

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Nearly finished "Not in the Flesh" the latest Wexford novel from Ruth Rendell.


It's OK, but doesn't seem as well written as her earlier ones, its a bit disjointed and a bit of superfluous stuff about Somalians and genital mutilation seems shoe-horned in to give it a current and topical feel

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Just read Peony in Love by Lisa See.


A lovely historical novel that, although slightly predictable, provides a very interesting insight into Chinese culture and beliefs that as Westerners we view as totally mythical. Suffragette, I think you would enjoy it as it deals with womens oppression and longing for freedom.

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