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The "I am currently reading" thread


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Not a fan of Irvine Welsh.:( Read Ecstasy when it was first published, it was the most macabre thing I've ever read.:gag:


Yeah, I'm the same. Trainspotting is his one interesting piece, after that it descends into gratuitous rubbish. Trainspotting's interesting for the narrative style and accuracy in its descriptions of the 'underclass' but after that it's no great shakes either really.


Funniest thing - I read it years ago as well, and both then and now it took a whole day to stop thinking in Scottish. Bloody foreigners.

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I'm currently reading Rupert Everett's autobiography, Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins.


I'm not a great fan of autobiographies (my OH bought it), but its been quite an entertaining and slightly shocking read so far. I wonder how difficult it is to write an autobiography and leave your soul bare for all to see.

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