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I've been reading Charlotte Bronte's Villette since WAY before Christmas - I've not read it in a while with having other things to do in the past few weeks.


I decided some time last year that I'd finally like to read some 'classic' stuff from the Brontes and Jane Austen, so went on Amazon and found two big books, one with Austen's entire works and one with 5 novels by the Bronte sisters. So far I've only read Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility and half of Villette, but I am finding the latter much 'easier' than the other two, it's not quite so round-about-the-houses in saying things.


I used to love reading when I was little and had 2 or 3 books on the go from the library. I can't really be bothered these days :rolleyes:

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So far I've only read Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility and half of Villette, but I am finding the latter much 'easier' than the other two, it's not quite so round-about-the-houses in saying things.


I used to love reading when I was little and had 2 or 3 books on the go from the library. I can't really be bothered these days :rolleyes:


If you can plough your way through Austen and the Brontes you're doing pretty well! I've been meaning to read Villette for years...


I'm reading John le Carre and Paul Virilio at the moment. Interesting mixture ;)

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Upstairs: I'm almost at the end of Norman Wisdoms autobiography 'My Turn' and I am enjoying it very much. His struggle through childhood when he was abandoned by his mother then kicked out by his father, his days on the streets then in the army then a boxer. It's a fascinating story and one I heartly recommend reading.


Downstairs: I'm also almost at the end of Philip Pullmans dark Materials the Northern lights which is the first part of the Golden Compass and I am well and truly hooked. First time I've ever read any of his books and I think this one is wonderful. I've just ordered the other two in the series, So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hope they arrive before I finish this one.


Phillip Pullman his Dark Materials.
Just reading back through what other members are reading and saw that you are reading the same as me, How far are you with it? Ive just got to where she is up in the balloon being pulled along by the witches and finding it very good indeed. What do you think of it?
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Have just finished the Kenneth Williams diarys. He presents himself as a fairly unpleasant, egotistical and repressed character. Very interesting read though.


I have also read his diaries and agree with what you say Trips, He did seem to had a low opinion of most of the people he worked with like Tony Hancock and a very high opinion of himself but diaries are always more interesting that biographies because they are not written to be read and you get more honesty.


But if you like diaries Micheal Palins Monty Python years is a must. Very interesting read indeed. :thumbsup:

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I have also read his diaries and agree with what you say Trips, He did seem to had a low opinion of most of the people he worked with like Tony Hancock and a very high opinion of himself but diaries are always more interesting that biographies because they are not written to be read and you get more honesty.


But if you like diaries Micheal Palins Monty Python years is a must. Very interesting read indeed. :thumbsup:


Aye i've read that. Very good. I've also read the Tony Benn diary....dull and the Alan Clark diary.....very funny.

Pepys is still the one though.

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