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Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes, which I'm reading for one of my Book Groups. Never read any of her stuff before, in fact I've actively avoided it.


Only a few pages in, she is setting the scene and has the reader wondering which kids are going to be taken out in this high school shooting. As Kevin is one of my favourite books ever, I cannot see this being anyway near as good plus it won't have the same shock impact as it's been done before.


EDIT - just finished this book and it has totally altered my pre-conceived notions of the author. I really enjoyed it, it was well written and easy to read, well structured, revealing a bit more about each major character until the denouement and a twist which I didn't see coming until 2 pages before it appeared. There are loads of interesting themes to explore, bullying, the notion of the victim trying to fit in, teenage angst, pretending to be something you're not, what makes a good parent etc. And unlike Kevin, I really empathised with the 'shooter' and not with the majority of the victims.

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Rose Tremain's The Road Home, a novel about an Eastern European economic migrant's musings and perceptions of London, the English and Londoners and how he yearns for all that he has left behind in his native country. Only a 3rd of the way in but am loving it so far. Beuatifully written and the observations about Londoners (having lived there for 2 decades) are spot on.

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Just finished Linda fairstein's "Killer Heat". Featuring her heroine, Alexandra cooper, the NY, NY assistant D-A,

jacket Schpiel follows:-

Success can never be guaranteed in every case Alexandra Cooper prosecutes, but for once the odds are with her for putting away a serial rapist for a crime he committed over twenty years previously, but outside the courtroom another predator is at large. His first victim was a call-girl, a cat-o-nine-tails discovered near her body, and it seems as though Detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace need to look amongst her clients for the killer, but the discovery of other corpses, the modus operandi remarkably similar to the first, turns the investigation into a hunt for a random and viciously sadistic murderer. A part of his signature is that in the humid heat of summer he leaves his victims' remains in some of the least populated parts of New York - a derelict office building, an abandoned fort on an island below Manhattan. Alex fears it may be another twenty years before they can identify this monster, each day bringing the dread of news of another killing, then she, Chapman and Mercer get lucky and are able to give a name to their target. But that's not the same as putting him safely behind bars: to do that they are going to have to get close to him, much too close for Alex's own safety ...


I've just started R.D Wingfields last "Jack Frost" book, "A Killer Frost" published April 08 08, six months after he passed away, in October 2007.

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