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The "I am currently reading" thread


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Just starting The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. He wrote one of my favourite books of all time, The Shadow of the Wind so I'm looking forward to it.


So far I'm really enjoying it. It's similar to Shadow in style. atmosphere and content but is lacking the Politics.


I don't think he could ever hope to repeat the brilliance of Shadow but he's made a decent attempt.

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The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay ~ Michael Chabon


Brilliant book - thoroughly enjoyed it.


I'm just about to start Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson - heard a lot of great things about it so i am quite excited!

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I'm just about to commence my annual trashfest whilst on holiday. First up is Stephen King's "Everything's Eventual"


I've not read King since struggling through both Gerald's Game and Insomnia and thinking that he'd finally lost it and could no longer publish his shopping list and get a best seller.


However I've always enjoyed his short stories and reckon this will be ideal holiday reading for trains, planes and transitory hotel rooms.

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