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China Mieville - The City & The City. He's a badass writer and its a really good book, about half way through, though I'd recommend reading a couple of his other books before this one, namely Perdido Street Station and The Scar. Some of the best ideas I've ever read in a novel.

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Following the recent tv drama 'Desperate Romantics' I bought the book 'Lizzie Siddal - The Tragedy of a Pre-Raphaelite Supermodel' by Lucinder Hawksley. I don't usually do biography's, I'm more into the crime thriller genre but this is a really good read, particularly for anyone interested in art history.

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Having a bit of time to spare on the bus each morning, I've started reading "In Search Of Lost Time" by Marcel Proust... It started out as what I considered a pointless and futile challenge, but I've found it absolutely gripping, even at 7 in the morning... Perceptive, stimulating, beautifully written. Not the easiest of reads unless you are prepared to handle sentences that are measured in kilometres rather than number of words, but an enriching masterpiece that's worth taking the trouble to wade into...

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Has anyone read The Picture of Dorian Gray? My brother thinks it is a literary maasterpiece of epic proportions whereas, although I am a fan of the storyline, I found it a bit tedious.


Apparently everyone else that he know who has read it agrees with him. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't want to hump this book :suspect:??

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Just woke up on settee after finishing Dissolution by C. J. Sansom, good book, a murders in the monastery, set in the reign of Henry the Eighth. Interesting hero Matthew Shardlake an hunchback lawyer working for Thomas Cromwell. There are three more Shardlake novels, Dark Fire, Sovereign, and Revelation, have got Revelation and saving it for later. My next read is Sign Of The Cross by Chris Kuzneski.

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