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Anna Karenina - Tolstoy. Anyone read it? Bought for me for Xmas as it's one I always promised myself I would read, being one of the classics. Am I missing something here? Halfway though and am finding the story so far more akin to a Mills & Boon. Who is knocking off who in Russian Society, and then everybody's some sort of royal who seems to spend their life going to balls or taking the waters, etc. Upside is beautiful prose of course which I do like. Just hope it gets better as it goes on!


I loved this but can see where you're coming from. I guess it does essentially have all the ingredients of a Mills and Boon - perhaps a bit more anxst! As you say, the prose is lovely and the characters perhaps more fully written. Apparantly (can't remember where I heard this) Tolstoy hated this book after he'd written it, he felt that he had sold out to popularism and then went on to write War and Peace, which deals with much deeper existential themes. I loved both for different reasons.


On a lighter note, currently reading Rough Music by Patrick Gale and enjoying it very much.

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Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë.


Re-reading it because I was very young when I first read it and I'll probably be able to appreciate it more now.


The best part is trying to decipher what Joseph is saying.


I love, love, love this book and it has left a lasting impression on me.

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I've just finished book No. 15 in the CYNSTER series of novels by STEPHANIE LAURENS .....and am just about to start on the BASTION CLUB series .


What can I say :love:.....I've developed an extraordinary liking for regency men ...lol:wink:


PS..... Book 1 from the BLACK COBRA quartet was on offer at Amazon , so that's tucked away for a rainy day ....:hihi:

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Reading different books depending on the mood and the room I am in e.g can`t read hardbacks in bed.

1.God`s Own Country-Ross Raisen.Reading group choice.His first book.He likes dialect.Not a bad effort up to now.

2.Amnesia Clinic-James Scudamore.A different Reading group choice.Only just started this but seems worthwhile

3.Shakespeare-Bill bryson.My own choice.About to start but I`ve read most of his books and enjoyed them.

4. A Space For Reflection-Brian Aldis and Son -Yi Yun -LI. Both short stories,selected by the Short story group choices.Make a start this weekend but I am fairly sure I will enjoy the Aldis one, on past experience.

I also like to `dip into`

The Faber Book of Science edited by John Carey.

What on Earth Evolved-Christopher Lloyd.

A Short History of Nearly Everything-Bill Bryson.

Edited by S A C
factual error
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