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The "I am currently reading" thread


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'Room at the Bottom' by Noel Goodin. Its about an occasional poet who avoids the rat race by living with friends or in a barn and doing any odd job that comes along. I first read this in 1964 and reading it was instrumental in me quiting the rat race and taking up a similar lifestyle myself. Hence between 1965 and 1968 , I had 9 jobs and lived in the Thames Valley, Devon and Bristol. I then went back to Sheffield and got a 'proper job' as computer operator then programmer. I am starting a book about life in the 60's. If I ever get it finished/published, you'll hear about it here.

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'Wilt in Nowhere' by Tom Sharpe.

I find it absolutely hilarious; just right for my sense of humour. Definitely the funniest book I have read. Would make a brilliant film although the script would have to be seriously edited to make it 18+ material.

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'Wilt in Nowhere' by Tom Sharpe.

I find it absolutely hilarious; just right for my sense of humour. Definitely the funniest book I have read. Would make a brilliant film although the script would have to be seriously edited to make it 18+ material.


I've read Wilt; proper funny.


Just started reading Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe.

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Terminal World by Alistair Reynolds.


Not part of his ongoing series, but very good, I'm worried that it's too short though, I'm 2 3rds of the way through, had it less than a week and am deliberately restricting my reading time.

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