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Why I won't be going out in Sheffield much this year


My assertion not to go out in sheffield?  

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  1. 1. My assertion not to go out in sheffield?

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    • Am I a moaning sod?
    • Am I pretentious and need a slap?

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Are you telling me that clubbing is as good as ever? Where are you going out? Clearly i'm missing something you're finding

Firstly I am currently 38 so you get an idea of what eras of clubbing I am likely to have been around in.

I mainly go to pubs nowadays, but as I have got older I go to clubs less. My greatest club times were in my early 20s when I used to go to Rebels and Roxy rock night most weekends. I still go to clubs occasionally, but mainly to see bands.


I had a rather unsettling experience recently in the Leadmill, where I got talking to some younger lads, I found myself explaining some of my most memorable Leadmill experiences ( Jane's Addiction in around 1989 and Gun just after when the roof leaked like a waterfall over the stage while the band was still playing and soaking them), were probably before these lads were even born.

I remember going to Cairo Jax with my brother when they had a dresscode and a floorshow, and one of the main events of the night was the oops upside your head boat dance!


What I am maintaining, is that clubs never stay the same for long, and you need to find small exclusive clubs to have a great time, rather than opining that "it was better a couple of years ago". I can probably give an example of someone saying "it was better last year and it has gone bad now" every couple of years stretching back 40 years!


It is a fact that guitar music is growing as dance music shrinks at the moment, but the cycle comes and goes, I have seen this happen time and time again.

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Firstly I am currently 38 so you get an idea of what eras of clubbing I am likely to have been around in.

I mainly go to pubs nowadays, but as I have got older I go to clubs less. My greatest club times were in my early 20s when I used to go to Rebels and Roxy rock night most weekends. I still go to clubs occasionally, but mainly to see bands.


I had a rather unsettling experience recently in the Leadmill, where I got talking to some younger lads, I found myself explaining some of my most memorable Leadmill experiences ( Jane's Addiction in around 1989 and Gun just after when the roof leaked like a waterfall over the stage while the band was still playing and soaking them), were probably before these lads were even born.

I remember going to Cairo Jax with my brother when they had a dresscode and a floorshow, and one of the main events of the night was the oops upside your head boat dance!


What I am maintaining, is that clubs never stay the same for long, and you need to find small exclusive clubs to have a great time, rather than opining that "it was better a couple of years ago". I can probably give an example of someone saying "it was better last year and it has gone bad now" every couple of years stretching back 40 years!


It is a fact that guitar music is growing as dance music shrinks at the moment, but the cycle comes and goes, I have seen this happen time and time again.

I know what your saying but the entire experience is just not as good anymore. The music is as good as it ever was. Its the atmosphere thats at fault. The smoking ban is hitting hard and for dance music the atmosphere is everything. People just don't seem to be locked into the music anymore. The main exception being Coldcut this year who played an excellent hip hop set and the crowd were loving it. I just don't feel the sense of community I felt before
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I know what your saying but the entire experience is just not as good anymore.


People just don't seem to be locked into the music anymore.


That's an awfully sweeping generalisation to make... What you mean the experience isn't as good for you.


The main exception being Coldcut this year who played an excellent hip hop set and the crowd were loving it. I just don't feel the sense of community I felt before


Some friends of mine were at the same gig who thought Coldcut were really poor that night. And they normally like Coldcut. The point I'm making here is that your opinions are not necessarily shared others.


Maybe you need to go to some different events..?

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That's an awfully sweeping generalisation to make... What you mean the experience isn't as good for you.
I mean that there doesn't seem to be as good an atmosphere anymore. It used to be that people stayed pretty much where they were in a club. There was little traffic, because they could stay there was more atmosphere, you were stood with roughly the same people all night so you tended to talk to them and get to know people. Now because people are shooting off to have a smoke there is loads of traffic and its distracting and people don't seem to be into the music as much. People have other things to think about. I realise this is likely to be the same in other cities but maybe the change of scenery will make me appreciate sheffield more.


Some friends of mine were at the same gig who thought Coldcut were really poor that night. And they normally like Coldcut. The point I'm making here is that your opinions are not necessarily shared others.


Maybe you need to go to some different events..?

Maybe I do. its clear my opinion isn't shared by others but thats ok. If people are happy then good for them. Its me thats going to be increasing my spend on nights out and having to go to other cities.


Thing is I know there are people who regularly leave the city to go clubbing only thing is i'm vocal about it. Don't get me wrong when sheffield gets it right theres nowhere better but it just seems at the moment to be flat

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Everyone has their heyday. When you first start going to a particular night/discover music you love, everything about it is viewed through rose-tinted glasses! Then you start to see the idiots who get involved, the lack of inspiration on the scene etc. The negatives are always there to an extent but it's thanks to the people who don't give up that there is a scene here at all.

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I think one of the problems with the Sheffield clubbing scene (from the perspective of a promoter and DJ) is that the city has had to re-invent itself to a degree. The 2 main places to book big name DJ's and put on big events (in my opinion only) were Crasher and Bed and I suppose the Fez to a smaller degree. The two bigger ones are now closed/rubble and the Fez is only starting to put on quality underground nights again, I went to one a couple of weeks ago and it was fantastic.


Unfortunately people in Sheffield seem to be reluctant to try new things and therefore since the closing of the two "superclubs" many people are sticking to what they know and going to Manchester and Leeds etc (I am guilty of this myself on the occasion that one of my friends is DJing or to see DJ's like Sven Vath or Sasha who will be very unlikely to come to Sheffield in the near future). This inevitably affects the atmosphere because the clubbers are going to other places, in other cities, becuase they are less willing to try something they know less about closer to home so the important thing from a promo point of view is to get people to try something new and when enough people do so the nights build up and atmosphere grows.


The problems you site with attitude I haven't noticed if I'm perfectly honest as most of the nights I've been to have been very amicable and enjoyable. As example of this is on NYE when we did the Cargo @ Penelopes the management and door staff were very pleased (to say the least) about everyones conduct and everyone I met on the night was very friendly. This is not exclusive to Cargo either - all the small nights I have been to have been very friendly.


As a final note I think clubbing in Sheffield is having to re-invent itself but there are a lot of great up and coming nights and when they start to pick up a regular following they will go from strength to strength.

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I've made a sort of resolution this year. I've decided that even though I still love clubbing and the culture around it and I will be trying to get out as much as possible I'm not going out in sheffield if I can help it. I'd rather spend more money on a road trip and see other cities and other clubs than waste much more money in sheffield.


It pains me to say this because some of the best nights i've had have been in sheffield but it seems to me that the venues, atmosphere, DJ's and crowds attitude just isn't right anymore. Sheffield clubbing is a pale imitation of what it was say 5 or 6 years ago. Don't get me wrong i'm not wanting to be a sad old moaning sod banging on about how good it used to be and its not as good any more because that wouldn't be true. When Sheffield gets it right its amazing. Freemasons and Coldcut at Plug this year were simply superb and were well worth being at, but Plug aside theres little that i'm optimistic about.


Now, I don't want to get into individual venues and nights and places because that isn't fair and as well the smoking ban is affecting clubbing badly. Its killing the atmosphere. Its no one persons or one clubs fault. I'm just appalled by the apathy of the sheffield clubbing public. The lack of suitable venues. The over abundance of Electro house and a few other things. So, i'm going to vote with my feet. I'm going to go to the cities I want to go to to see the DJ's I want to see.


Sorry sheffield. These days you just aren't doing the business. Of course the problem is the grass is rarely greener. I might be wasting my money. I might be utterly wrong. Then again, I might not


In what way?

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Discodown, I think you should get over yourself.


I don't know you, but this thread reads like Violet Elizabeth Bott going into an "I'm not going out in sheffield any longer because I can't smoke and I'll scream and scream and scream untill I'm sick", kind of thing.


No matter how old you are, or what year, things often seemed better when you were a bit younger when you first started going out, not because it was better, it was because it was new and exciting when you first started doing it.


Here here well said muddycoffee my quote is rather than slag club pub or any other venue there r plenty more other places to go just try one off those till u get bored then move on every one happy then

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