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State of the Country.

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Surely there has to be an alternative to the political parties we have in place at the moment. My first rant is at Labour. They have made a total cobblers over the issue of Asylum. If I was in fear of my life, and had to leave the country of my birth, I would head to the first available refuge- unfortunately Britain is seen as a soft touch- which is exactly what we have become. Ex Taliban fighters, Yardies and Albanians- the latter are fighting for control of the streets to control drug and vice monopolies, and we have no responce. The PC minority who are the most vocal have control of this nation, even the Police are scared to do their jobs in case of being labelled racist! This is totally wrong, these so called do gooders are creating racism where it does not exist. I agree that racism is a problem in this country, but you get it on both sides of the fence. I would even go so far as to say the Asians are more racist than we are. A collegue of mine who is Asian, told me that if his family had caught his sister talking to the likes of me (white male) she would have been disowned and sent packing. Is this not racist? I am not saying for a moment there isn't racism on the part of Whites, just that it cuts both ways.


My other problem is Europe. I may be short sighted but why we want to integrate ourselves into a unelected beaurocratic money swallowing community is beyond me. The recent developments through the forthoming war on Iraq, the Mugabe issue proves that France, Germany et al are in it purely for them, not for any economic good. France only obeys EU directives when it suits them. The principle aim of the European superstate is to split Europe into small pricipalities or regions. Funny, but that is what Hitler wanted to do, there has never been a vote about entry into Europe apart from the entry into the common market- is it what the nation wants or just another way for Polititians to line their already bulging pockets. I regard it as a betrayal to our ancestors that we could even consider giving up our soveriegnity.


The state of our city should be enough to persuade people about Labours ability to govern. Fiascos like the Supertram which killed hundreds of businesses, The student games which we are still paying for- the state of housing- yearly increases in Council Tax for which we get what? Second rate services and an increase in Asylum seekers.


The trouble is we haven't anyone in oppositition who is worth voting for. The Tories are a non starter, does anyone know what the Liberals manifesto is? The problem which is around the corner is the likes of the BNP or NF showing up and lets be truthfull, they would get votes.


Personally, I would vote for the candidate or party which offered rights first for UK citizens, all immigrants to talk an oath of allegiance, stricter border policy meaning only those who could prove they were genuine asylum seekers or those with key skills were allowed to claim residency. The revocation of the absurd Human Rights Bill which is just a get out clause for law breakers and the proverbial gravy train for lawyers. Proper sentancing and elected judges in the Penal system. A referendum over whether we should be more tied into Europe, more money poured into vital public services such as the NHS and transport with the balance coming from what we pay into Europe. Most importantly, take the lead of the likes of France and take care of our own interests first without feeling the need to cosy up to other countries. And furthermore, a party which creates a Great Britian where it is not a crime to be patriotic anymore!!!!!

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I agree with much of what you say about what is happening in our Country. Everything is falling apart and the Government has lost control of crime and drugs, violence and the health service is a public disgrace.

There may be very little to choose from within the established political parties but why don't you do as I did and stand as an Independent candidate?

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Much as I would love to stand as a an independant candidate, the problem I have would be one of financing such a move. Indeed, I do have strong political beliefs, but my heart says I would be wasting my time.


I only hope that at some point, the apathetic nature of the majority is pushed too far by the state of the country that I love. The thing I fear most is pondlife such as the BNP or other outwardly racist parties gaining control. The problem is the alternative is the other end of the spectrum, such as New Labour and their pandering to minoritys and Politically correct do gooders. A balance between the two has to be reached, a balance where all people are treated equally, irrespective of colour, beliefs, etc. Where freedom of speech for all is accepted (note anyone speaking out against the Islamic extremists is immediately denounced as a Racist, yet hate peddlars such as Abu Hamza are allowed to launch their tirade of venom practically at will- no hint of Racism there is there?), and the rights of all the British people are put before the rights and wishes of other nations.


The current situation truly sickens me, the way our elderley are denied a comfortable retirement, even to the extent where they are struck off doctors waiting lists to make way for immigrants. The current system is corrupt, serving only those who wish to see the name of Great Britain expunged from the global map and replaced by a nation of yes men to a European superstate.

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I very much think like you disillusioned, and so do many others. The people of this country are generally very tolerant, maybe thats the problem. The majority of people in this country don't vote, that is because the major political parties in the UK basically have the same agenda and that is to create taxes to pay for the problems.

We the "Taxpayers" and the "Majority" pay for everything and get nothing !

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Another problem with this country - The police are a joke.


My brother was arrested in July last year while walking home at 2:50 in the morning through Market Bosworth in Leicestershire after a night out in Leicester. A policeman who was dressed in plain clothes pulled up in his car and confronted him agressively. My brother didn't believe he was a policeman and thought he was being mugged. He kicked the policeman and tried to run away, but the policeman ran after him and wrestled him to the ground. Eventually a marked police car turned up and took him to the police station where he was charged with Common Assault and Resisting Arrest.


It went to court yesterday and the Police made up a load of complete bullsh*t about my brother being on drugs when the incident occured. They had absolutely no evidence to back it up, they found no drugs on him and they never questioned him about drugs at the time of the incident. (Anyone who knows my brother would know he'd never touch drugs anyway). The policeman who stopped my brother claimed he'd properly introduced himself by saying 'Hi, my name's Sergant Lambert from Market Bosworth police station' and showed him a police ID. This was a load of b****cks because he was completely confrontational from the start. So basically he lied under oath. What made it worse was all the other policemen who were questioned in court all had virtually identical stories.


Fortunately the majestrates saw through the police's lies and found my brother not guilty, but it makes you wonder how many inocent people go down because the police have given false evidence in court.


We did make the front page of the Leicester Mercury though.

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I agree with everything you say,why don't you stand for election? I and I suspect a lot more people would, you speak common sense a voice in the wilderness if there were more of people like you and I, this country wouldn't be in this state. Sadly, it is not possible for me to stand for election as I am too old. The fool's that are ruling us at the moment(and I have been a labour supporter all my seventy five year's) are letting these muslim's dictate and domineer us. Let us rise up and change these daft law's, stop giving our wealth away to these ungratefull traitor's and once again be proud to be British,( I don't mean the B.N.P. another name for the hitler youth movement) We are being pushed out of our own country dictated to by these idiot's in brussels, let's get back to how we were before the do-gooder's took over.Keep the pound sterling,control our own legislation,

look for market's elsewhere in the world and control our own destiny instead of being pushed where we don't want to go.Hal. Evans. :lol:

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, as I stated above, I would be only too happy to stand as an independant candidate, however the problem in the first instance is finance. And that about concludes my problem with it!


It is truly a shame that this country is selling itself short to Europe at the cost of jobs and traditional industries which communities depend on are disappearing at an alarming rate. Unfortunatley at the moment there doesn't seem to be any dissenting voices against giving our soveriegnety away in Parliament, the only onces are a few journalists who are described as Xenophobics, Little Englanders, and other derogatory terms. Also, it is interesting to note, that Xenophobia will soon be a crime. Is this a ploy to silence those who oppose an integrated Europe? I honestly think there is freedom of speech, but only if you say what the ruling classes want to hear!

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Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


Surely there has to be an alternative to the political parties we have in place at the moment. My first rant is at Labour. They have made a total cobblers over the issue of Asylum. If I was in fear of my life, and had to leave the country of my birth, I would head to the first available refuge- unfortunately Britain is seen as a soft touch- which is exactly what we have become.


Would you really. Say you had family somewhere, wouldn't you want to go to that country? Say you knew French, wouldn't you go to France? I dont wuite agree were a soft touch, were just incompetant at handling assylum seekers. We don't send back even those which have been refused assylum. This may seem like the same thing. But stopping the incompetance is the first thing to do.



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


Ex Taliban fighters, Yardies and Albanians- the latter are fighting for control of the streets to control drug and vice monopolies, and we have no responce.


We have a whole load of laws against drugs and guns and intimidation and the like. Any failing to control this lies with the police.



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


The PC minority who are the most vocal have control of this nation, even the Police are scared to do their jobs in case of being labelled racist! This is totally wrong, these so called do gooders are creating racism where it does not exist. I agree that racism is a problem in this country, but you get it on both sides of the fence. I would even go so far as to say the Asians are more racist than we are.


I think its dangerous to say "the Asians are more racist than we are" because sweeping generalisations are always wrongm and if believed always lead to dehumanisation of groups of people. Its what Hitler did to the jews. I am unsure as to how the PC minority have created racism where it doesn't exist, can you elaborate?



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


A collegue of mine who is Asian, told me that if his family had caught his sister talking to the likes of me (white male) she would have been disowned and sent packing. Is this not racist? I am not saying for a moment there isn't racism on the part of Whites, just that it cuts both ways.


Indeed it does. But if you have been verbally abused by one or two of the homeless people on the streets every now and then, you too start to tarnish all homeless people with the same brush. Racism is a curious thing. All our lives we learn by experience and then generalise in order to predict. For instance once you've learned to open a bottle of pop you probably know how to open a jam jar. Its natural for someone who only sees children on the streets drinking to assume all children drink and the youth of today are in a shoking state. Put the same person in a family environment then they will get another view. Racism is only dangerous when it affects people, when you cant judge people on their character and you should be. When I was a tall 19 year old male I used get many suspicious looks from the elderly who were afraid I would mug them or something, the effect was very pronounced in the aftermath of a sick killing of a pensioner for £20 in my home town. Now that didn't really affect me, since I'm nice guy the elderly people who passed me, and hopefully many like me would have their faith in people my age restored somewhat. But had I been trying to get a job off of one of these people then any prejedices they had would be important. If important people such as Magistrates, judges, and employers, recognise they have prejeudices, as we all have, and then make allowances, using facts about the individual to make their decisions then we'll probably be as well off as we can be.


My girlfriend passed a story on to me from her mother's policeman partner. He tells a tale where there are two council estates in Oldham one which is predominately asian, the other is predominantly white. This Asian area has decent honest people who look after their gardens and keep their streets clean. The white area is a drug den rife with burglary and drugs. Because of this the white area looks like a ****hole and the Asian area looks livable, but the whites assume that the asians are being given more, thus increasing the racial tension in the area. This is what leads to fights between the white area and a 3rd asain area. A lot of it is to do with drugs as well.


What I've tried to show above is that racism is a subset of prejeudice and this is always affected by other factors.


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


My other problem is Europe. I may be short sighted but why we want to integrate ourselves into a unelected beaurocratic money swallowing community is beyond me. The recent developments through the forthoming war on Iraq, the Mugabe issue proves that France, Germany et al are in it purely for them, not for any economic good. France only obeys EU directives when it suits them. The principle aim of the European superstate is to split Europe into small pricipalities or regions. Funny, but that is what Hitler wanted to do, there has never been a vote about entry into Europe apart from the entry into the common market- is it what the nation wants or just another way for Polititians to line their already bulging pockets. I regard it as a betrayal to our ancestors that we could even consider giving up our soveriegnity.


If we join then I agree it should be via a vote. I think that if we do, then we will have the same power to sway things as Germany and France, if not more so from our economic advantage. On the issue of outside control I would point out that we are reliant upon foriegn trade and as such we already have decisions of other countries directly affecting us a hell of a lot. The American Steel tarrifs as a case in point. But more generally if we anger the world then we will suffer financially. Therefore the power's we would be losing are in effect already lost to some degree, We live in a world where businesses are put before individuals in the belief that whats good for Uk plc is good for the Uk population. I don't care about the pound. It is merely a means to an end. If it is better for Uk plc to use Euro's then we should.


I have no problem giving up the monarchy, I think despite all the money they have taken from us (Queen Victoria came to throne with an overall debt) they do have hard lives and we are cruel to them to make them live that way. Whats important to me is proper representation thats what I fear about entry into Europe but I'm not too worried as I believe our politicians are power mad and unlikely to just give it away.


I dont't believe it is a betrayal to our ancestors becuase they fought and died for us to have the right to decide. Besides which we should all be cleverer than our ancestors because if not; where is evolution taking us?



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


The state of our city should be enough to persuade people about Labours ability to govern. Fiascos like the Supertram which killed hundreds of businesses, The student games which we are still paying for- the state of housing- yearly increases in Council Tax for which we get what? Second rate services and an increase in Asylum seekers.


I don't know how the tram did this or about the student games, could someone tell me more?


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


The trouble is we haven't anyone in oppositition who is worth voting for. The Tories are a non starter, does anyone know what the Liberals manifesto is? The problem which is around the corner is the likes of the BNP or NF showing up and lets be truthfull, they would get votes.


Liberal policy is decided at anual meetings where the representitives vote on each issue, what is democratically decided is then policy. This leads to situations where Charles Kennedy sometimes has to say "the Liberal Democrats believe ..." rather than "I believe ..." The liberal democrats, unlike Labour and the Tories tend not to take the view that what is good for Uk plc is neccessaruly good for the Uk population. They are in favour of higher taxation and doing this via Income tax, which is proportional to your earnings, rather than stealth taxes which hit the poorest the hardest. They are generally pro-european, anti-war, types. They tend to attract people who want to make the world a better place rather than the power hungry, because the liberal democrats have ever been in power.


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


Personally, I would vote for the candidate or party which offered rights first for UK citizens,


Like housing and stuff like that?


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


all immigrants to talk an oath of allegiance, stricter border policy meaning only those who could prove they were genuine asylum seekers or those with key skills were allowed to claim residency.


Well they are asked to prove that they are genuine, the problem is when they can't they aren't sent back. Right now key skills aren't even on the agenda, assylum only. You would be opening the doors a little wider in a very sensible way.



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


The revocation of the absurd Human Rights Bill which is just a get out clause for law breakers and the proverbial gravy train for lawyers.


I an in favour of the Bill. I think that this law is a no-brainer. Article three is the usual suspect when it comes to assylum. "No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." I couldn't sleep at night if I tried to get rid of that law.



Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


Proper sentancing and elected judges in the Penal system.


I agree in principle but dont believe it would work unless we got the apathy in the general elections sorted first.


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


A referendum over whether we should be more tied into Europe, more money poured into vital public services such as the NHS and transport with the balance coming from what we pay into Europe.


I dont know if you realise this but billions are coming into Sheffield thanks to Europe. I think the problem with the NHS is that the drugs are too expensive. I would create a research facility of the calibar of GSK of Pfizer and let the NHS get the drugs developed at production cost price. So much of our money is falling into the hands of shareholders.


Originally posted by "dissilusioned"


Most importantly, take the lead of the likes of France and take care of our own interests first without feeling the need to cosy up to other countries. And furthermore, a party which creates a Great Britian where it is not a crime to be patriotic anymore!!!!!


As if it were that simple. Whats good for you for your holidays (i.e. a stong pound) is hell for manufacturers. These conlicts appear all the time. Nothing is simple any more. We cosy up to other countries so we can either sell them our stuff, or buy their stuff as cheaply as possible. Can't you see the harm in ot being cosy?

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Thank you, there were some very reasoned and well thought out arguements in your reply Richard. However, I didn't want to come across as stating all asians are more racist than whites, I was trying to put my point across that you find prejudice on both sides.

As for Europe, I still feel that our best interests lie in taking control of our own legislation. The European Union is a beauracratic monolith which is slowly chokeing the life out of several of our industries, like fishing etc. while providing a gravy train for the unelected commisioners (or should that be Commisars?). I agree that yes, Sheffield has recieved money from Europe, but face it, the country puts in far more than it takes out.

As for the PC minority, and my statement that they create racism where it doesn't exist. Thje way I see it, is that the PC brigade are segregating people themselves. The recent fuss over stop and search, the campaining for rights for minorities (why not campaign for rights for the elderley, disabled or those in true hardship too), while ignoring the rights of others is discrimination like it or not. Also by denying our heritage, calling for the removal of the Union Jack in public places and generally labelling anyone who dares suggest celebrating St Georges day a racist, creates racism where it is not there. Also the lunatic that tried to ban Christmas in Red Cross shops for fear of offending minorities shows Political Correctness has gone to far.


As for the disgrace of Labour management of Sheffield. The Supertram killed hundreds of small businesses off in the Hillsborough area, and I believe that it still is. Ok, it may run to Hillsborough but I am still of the opinion it is a white elephant. The student games was a disaster from start to finish, the fact we are paying higher council tax is due to the fact that the city went into massive debt over it.


As for the NHS, poor management both by polititians and administrators are what is killing this. Scarcely a day goes by without reading about a lack of beds, underfunding etc. I don't have all the answers for this, but i do know I would cut down on management and make that funding available for care.


And now to Asylum. I truly believe we should help those less fortunate than ourselves, and yes, if I was in that situation and I had family in another country then that is the country I would head for. But how many have got family in this country I wonder? The recent articles about a hostel being created for 400 single men begs the question, why would they need hostels if they had family? Until I see undisputable proof that we are not the soft man of Europe then I stand by my comments. That is not to say I disagree with welcoming those in need or those who can bring skills to our country, but i think we should have much tighter border controls and people wishing to apply for asylum should be subjected to stringent checks before allowing them in, if that means detaining them while their applications are processed then so be it.


I also agree with you about what you said about the areas. I know a lot of Asians and they are all good people. And it may surprise you that many in the Asian community agree with what I have to say. Also, my statement about rights first for UK citizens is not aimed purely as the white section of the community, but for all races who live in this country and hold British Nationality. My point is more the right to govern ourselves and the right to pass our own laws, not the issue over housing etc.


Apathy in the electorate is due solely to the terrible mis management of this country. A lot of people have problems with the current setup, which I covered in my first post. The police unfortunatly seem to be led by donkeys who would rather catch people in cars than investigate crimes against property or person. Also, the PC brigade are responsible for the criminal to have far more rights than the victim. Wrong.


My post was intended to show the perspective from the other side, the one that generally gets overlooked by the media etc. The country is on its back at the moment. Poor leadership and deep division. But unfortunatly there is no alternative to the current scenario, so things must change before it is too late and we pass the point of no return and anarchy.

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