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State of the Country.

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Originally posted by "halevan"


I read the other day that this country has stopped all immigration, but not the asylum seeker's as they are a different category, forgive me, but what the hell are they talking about, asylum seeker's ARE immigrant's, it makes no difference what they call it, we are being ovewhelmed and swamped by these people, it must be stopped dead now. No exception's for any reason, what do these ruling nutcases need, to make them realise that this country is FULL to capacity and we cannot and WILL not take any more. The juidiciary are ruling agains't David Blunket as he is trying to reduce the vast number's of them coming in, who do these judges think they are?


I bet they would hold a different view if they had to live at the side of them, instead of being insulated in their posh guarded homes away from reality. :x:x:x


Couple of things wrong here: we are NOT full, overwhelmed or swamped by these people, in fact in the North of England there is an abundance of empty council housing for these people; the ruling against Blunkett's plan (to deny benefits to those who didn't apply for asylum immediately upon arrival) was rightly shot down given that it was illegal and outwith his powers; and the nonsense about automatically refusing asylum applications because of your country of origin (i.e. some countries are considered "safe") was impractical and unworkable. People in the UK will sooner or later have to realise that as the fourth largest economy in the world, and with a substantially better quality of life than practically everywhere else on the planet, we have a responsibility to look after those less fortunate than ourselves. There will certainly be more than a couple of hundred genuine applicants a year. Deal with it, guys.

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One of the problems I have with Asylum seekers in this country is that especially on the streets of London there is a huge increase of violent crime from these type of people. This is supposed to be why these people orignally fled their homeland. Bogus refugees is a massive issue. So much for Labour "Tough on Crime, Tough on Causes of Crime".

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The bottom line is that something has got to be done. Back in December a dozen or so were caught trying to sneak into Britain by means of a magic carpet. That's right, they were found by Firemen in the back of a truck full of carpets that arrived at Folkestone. So, this is what the Government means by modernisation for the Fire Brigade is it? How many more are slipping through the net?

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