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Did anyone go to Crystal New Years Eve?


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It was bad!


No where near enough bar staff, the ones there were so slow and gave such crap service and the others couldn't speak English. There was broken glass everywhere and the ladies toilets smelt like a Greek Island ( ie, dodgy sewerage!)


Just wanted to moan, how can bars charge customers to get in then give such poor service - they really don't deserve to succeed as they have no respect or their customer or the money that they are spending!


Anyway moan over and happy new year!

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I cant stand these "exclusive" bars totally false give me a pub, a proper pub, they can still be found in town, with my wish to listen to rock music there are places that are on my list and they are not ponsified. But even i sometimes want to try something different but give me a pub rather than some plastic trendy bar, the crystal and others of their ilk hold no intrest for me.


I once went into the bar that occupies the old fire station on Division st, went to the bar and ordered my favourite tipple (a pint of smiths) "sorry we dont sell it" i was told, i went through a few other drinks that i have, nothing, not even a cold glass of stella, i ended up drinking a half of some belgium "beer", it tasted awful and i've never been back

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