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Name & Shame pubs charging exhorbitant entrance fees on New Years Eve


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You only have yourselfs to blame.


Clubs and pubs will charge whatever they can get away with. If no one pays, they'll chase you and beg you to come in.


I went to London - west end, piccadily circus and it was fab, over a million people enjoying the biggest street party.


You are right Suave. Clubs and pubs will indeed charge what they think they get away with.


As my partner was working on New Years Eve and New Years Day, I opted out of spending the night in a crowded pub/club, and instead saw the New Year in all on my own - sitting in my car by the Humber Bridge, and watching a fantastic fireworks display across the river.


I'm hoping to get to Edinburgh for a furture New Years Eve though, and join in a street party - though Suave's description of London's event might persuade me to head south instead!

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I refuse on principle to pay anything for the privelidge of going in a Pub just cos it's a special event such as NYE.


Not even the possibility of seeing Keeley at the Robin Hood in Wild West duds persuaded me to part with a fiver last Monday night.

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