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Wetherspoons will serve you only two alcoholic drinks if you are with children

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i have to admit i dont agree with kids in pubs unless there is a special area put aside for them, either as part of a restaurant or a wacky warehouse house type set up.


i think this is a good idea....but i fail to see how staff will enforce it. half the time ive ever drunk in a wetherspoons theyve been unable to maintain normal bar standards (cleaning, serving in order, getting orders right) never mind remembering who theyve already served.


my apologies to any wetherspoons staff out there- but i really dont think you are up to it. :(




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I think they are covering themselves by making it clear they have a policy aimed at ensuring the parents are in a position to look after the children, and that any breach of that policy will because the parent got around their policy. Thus preventing the parents trying to sue if the child gets hurt while they sit in a semi-comatose state etc.


An ex of mine was a manageress of a Wetherspoons actually and a heavily pregnant woman came in, got herself sloshed, fell over and then tried to sue the pub for possible damage to her baby.

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its a top idea take your kids in a pub for a meal ok but too many parents , mothers especially think nothing of having a session in the pub with the kids present , they are discusting and thier kids grow up thinking its normal, go in wethrspoons its the same people every day who have kids with them . take them to the park or museum .

i think there is a law against being drunk in charge of a child perhaps it should be applied just as the breathaliser is.

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