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Wetherspoons will serve you only two alcoholic drinks if you are with children

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Agreed. Wouldn't it be more reasonable if they just refused to serve any parent with children who were running wild or weren't behaving respectfully, rather than penalise those of us who are out and quietly not causing havoc?

Will the chain take the same approach to their regulars who they learn are binge drinkers where a whole new area of problems lie ? (urr didn't think so!)


how many alcoholic drinks do you think a parent in a pub with children should be allowed to have then ?

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i have to admit i dont agree with kids in pubs unless there is a special area put aside for them....


...this being a locked, sound proof room out of sight of the drinking area...:rant:

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how many alcoholic drinks do you think a parent in a pub with children should be allowed to have then ?


Give over, it's got nothing to do with alcohol and 'protecting kids' from drunk parents. Wetherspoons won't serve parents more than two drinks FULL STOP, including coffees or cokes! If Wetherspoons actually gave a damn about binge drinking they'd stop serving up gallons of cut price ale to people who have already had more than a skinful.


It's about shifting people out of the pub, who are taking up valuable 'unit space' (because that's what customer is to them - a profit unit) and get even more in to make more ££££s. An ordinary family having a leisurely long lunch isn't going to make as much money as two families having a quick lunch.

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If you go to Spain or Italy for example you will see that the locals there can take their children to a place that serves food and drink, include the children in the family conversations, have a few drinks and bother no-one else. Even at 10pm and with small children. It seems to be a British and Irish thing to allow your children to run riot (or spend all your time screaming at them).


a complete difference in ambience isn't there?


Yes, caused by a complete difference in attitude to what constitutes a good time.


They also don't see children as an annoyance and tend to look after their old folk unlike us caring, sharing brits. :(

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Give over, it's got nothing to do with alcohol and 'protecting kids' from drunk parents. Wetherspoons won't serve parents more than two drinks FULL STOP, including coffees or cokes! If Wetherspoons actually gave a damn about binge drinking they'd stop serving up gallons of cut price ale to people who have already had more than a skinful.


It's about shifting people out of the pub, who are taking up valuable 'unit space' (because that's what customer is to them - a profit unit) and get even more in to make more ££££s. An ordinary family having a leisurely long lunch isn't going to make as much money as two families having a quick lunch.


still not answered my question

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still not answered my question


The question has nothing to do with the issue. Wetherspoons will not serve more than two of ANY drink. This policy has nothing whatsoever to do with preventing parents from getting drunk or they would be happy to serve parents with as much tea, coffee or fizzy pop as they wanted.


If it's to do with not having pubs full of families then why are they happy to take their money and put it in the till in the first place? Why not just bar them full stop? Oh, because then they wouldn't get the massive profits they make on food, selling a 50p lunch for £4.99 - it makes them a LOT more money than drinks.

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The question has nothing to do with the issue. Wetherspoons will not serve more than two of ANY drink. This policy has nothing whatsoever to do with preventing parents from getting drunk or they would be happy to serve parents with as much tea, coffee or fizzy pop as they wanted.


If it's to do with not having pubs full of families then why are they happy to take their money and put it in the till in the first place? Why not just bar them full stop? Oh, because then they wouldn't get the massive profits they make on food, selling a 50p lunch for £4.99 - it makes them a LOT more money than drinks.


the question has everything to do with the issue of keeping kids safe and under parental control in witherspoons , and still has not been answered by anyone.

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Too much spouting off without checking the facts:


If parents and their children are visiting our pubs and purchasing non-alcoholic drinks, then there is no limit to the number of drinks that can be purchased or the length of stay at the pub.


JD Wetherspoons


so my point and question to those people who object to this is valid .

how many alcoholc drinks should parents in charge of children be allowed to have?.

incidently i was watching football in a pub yesterday which was full of kids running wild

demanding music on while thier mothers were stood outside smoking . needless to say after complainig to the landlord ,who said he gave them up to 8pm ,we left .

oh and just to emphasise how bad it was , one woman came in the pub with six kids.

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I don't think kids should be allowed in pubs other than for family meals. A responsible person wouldn't drive a vehicle drinking more than the legal limit so why should they do so whilst having the responsibility of a child? Why should adults out for a drink be inflicted by unruly kids running around whilst their parents are sat drinking unoblivious. I cut short my New Years Eve - the place was full of kids marauding like wild animals - it was not a family event at all - the adults were drinking (not with with their kids!) whilst hoards of kids were just running riot - the dance floor was full of kids swinging around sliding and running around - even walking to the bar was like an obstacle course with kids running into us. We came cross a toddler who was crying because he couldn't find his mummy! Unfortunately too many parents take their kids out, do their own thing, and inflict them on others.

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