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Jeremy Clarkson gives you his bank account details!

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At least he had the balls to put his money where his mouth is - how many other people do that? Most people just complain, he didn't - he put his own money behind his point, he got it wrong and paid the price (no skin of our noses is it?), but at least he didn't just say "oh what a palava this all is - wouldn't you say old chap?".


Yup, he got it wrong - I still have more respect for the guy who puts his money where his mouth is, right or wrong.

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Well if I were him, I'd be suing the bank. They're clearly in the wrong to have set up a direct debit with just that information; they couldn't possibly have had any evidence that it was Clarkson himself who provided it.


A company or organisation sends a direct debit mandate to the bank with a name and address, account number and sort code, what other information should the bank have asked for ?

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Clarksons from ....... Doncaster .....


What you trying to say? - That a 'middle England' mentallity can't exist in the mean streets of Donny?

Or maybe you think that 'middle England' pertains to the geographic centre of the country?


Clarkson has always been unequivocal in his opinions of working people - especially those who drive Vectras, Micras or Corsas, or indeed anything that doesn't, -"sound like a jumbo jet and scare the pants off the elderly". He laughs at the concept of climate change, and is frozen into a 1970s boy racer timewarp. He is a legend in his own tiny mind and an embarrassment to the male species.

Why his ridiculous and clearly erroneous claims that personal bank details are 'useless to criminals', should earn him respect is completely beyond me. It is merely a graphic demonstration of how stupid and opinionated the oaf really is.

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