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Tell us what you want! Independently run coffee shops?


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Hi we're looking to open an uber cool, independent coffee shop in the next 9-12 months in the West Street/Division Street quarter and would be really grateful for any feedback on whether you'd potentially convert to becoming one of our familar, happy customers.


We're looking to attract predominately 21-34 year olds, and host a range of welcoming activities such as accoustic band nights, a book club and DVD afternoons. Would this appeal to you? Would you prefer this to a big chain coffee shop such as Starbucks close by? Tell us what you'd like us to see bring to the local area! Fill us in with your ideas and input and we'll look forward to reading/replying to your posts soon. Thanks!

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Yeah I think it's fine balance, saying it's going to be uber cool from the start is probably a bad idea, maybe make it fit the best demographic to suit your budget (ie 16-60 year olds) and make it so the ambience, music policy and service standards make it cool...I think if you try too hard to stylize sometimes it's pretentious, which is cool for about 6 months then dies on it's arse... However all the above ideas are sound, possibly a small area with a record store could work too, I have a few ideas how to operate this if you're interested pm me...

But hell yes would i rather drink in an independent coffee bar, Starbucks and Subways are classic examples of large chain operations strangling independents to death by flooding a city at a time with outlets, killing the competition, then closing outlets to have the right level for demand... Which is just crap really... Get it done...

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We definately want to concentrate on giving excellent personable service, so that we know our repeat customers as time goes by. When you say we need to broaden our demographic though do you not think that 16-60 is too large a range, whilst we don't want to discriminate, the scope is so vast that we run the risk of creating a very messy venture if we don't have a clear focus. See where we're coming from?

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Important things:


Good coffee - espresso stylee :D

Ambiance - comfortable seats, booths, a bit of distinct style rather than generic coffee bar

Nice Staff - pleasent, friendly and let's be honest easy on the eye (bring back "cute lounge girly"!)

Book club, band night et al sounds good but ensure that the day to day noise levels are low enough for people to talk, wi-fi would be a work/play godsend.

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