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Victoria Station

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Originally posted by mark4

Hello all, im new here and have been reading this thread with interest over the last few months. I walk past the old Victoria Station every day on my way to and from work. I noticed something different this morning as i walked past. All the tree's and bushes alongside the railway have been removed on the City Centre side of the Wicker Arch and along the viaduct heading towards Manchester. Is something happening up there or is there a reason why its being done? I know a railway is still in use up there and it may just be a general cleaning up of the area.


Network Rail have been busy along all the railway corridor replacing track and putting up new fences. I believe it to be in preparation for the imminent running of up to 12 trains a day to the steelworks in stocksbridge. This may explain the removal of trees etc....ill pop up at the weekend and check it out.

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Regarding the Wicker, Bridgehouses Tunnel link again SuperCol. It obviously wasn't in use even when I was on the Railway, but the old drivers used to talk of a job, working from Grimesthorpe, of a banking engine for any traffic going up to Bridgehouses. There was a ground frame specifically for the Tunnel, and no matter how big the train was (presumably there was a maximum loading) they had to have a run at it. They should have called it the Hell train. When I was at Grimesthorpe I used the tunnel as a short cut to and from work on early morning turns, no ghosts though, only echos and rats.

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Originally posted by Avalon

Network Rail have been busy along all the railway corridor replacing track and putting up new fences. I believe it to be in preparation for the imminent running of up to 12 trains a day to the steelworks in stocksbridge. This may explain the removal of trees etc....ill pop up at the weekend and check it out.



That sounds more likely, work is still going on up there as of this morning, alot of work too. Interestingly they havn't done anything to the area around the Station itself, just on the approach from the Manchester end of Victoria.

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Originally posted by mark4

That sounds more likely, work is still going on up there as of this morning, alot of work too. Interestingly they havn't done anything to the area around the Station itself, just on the approach from the Manchester end of Victoria.


Interesting.....i will pop up and have a look tomorrow afternoon.

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Originally posted by mark4

Find anything?


Sadly not....it looks the same as it always has! i can find no evidence of any work being done up there for quite a long time! Certainly it looks the same as it did last time i took photos in 2003!

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Have any of you noticed how when approaching any town by train what a disgusting mess the trackside is with rubbish thrown not always from the train but by the people who live in the houses near the track. It gives a bad impresion to any visitors from abroad. Why can't Railtrack clear it up?

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Originally posted by prioryx

Have any of you noticed how when approaching any town by train what a disgusting mess the trackside is with rubbish thrown not always from the train but by the people who live in the houses near the track. It gives a bad impresion to any visitors from abroad. Why can't Railtrack clear it up?


How do you throw rubbish from the train nowadays? No opening windows, hate the things especially when the air conditioning is broken :gag:

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why cant they clear it up because they have got other things to do like not look after the railway lines for one they dont want to be bothered about litter and rubbish or peoples lives for that matter as long as the trains are running but the lines are worse than ever they are happy.I would think that rubbish and litter will be at the very bottom of there list.

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