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Sheffield Small Pox Outbreak 1887-88


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Can anyone point me in the direction of material on the local small pox outbreak in 1887 - 88. Web searches produce reports from a medical perspective, but I am seeking information on the social impact - specific source (if any), number of deaths, local reaction and the like.

Sadly copies of The Star of the period are no long available at the Central Library.


Any help appreciated.

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Can anyone point me in the direction of material on the local small pox outbreak in 1887 - 88. Web searches produce reports from a medical perspective, but I am seeking information on the social impact - specific source (if any), number of deaths, local reaction and the like.

Sadly copies of The Star of the period are no long available at the Central Library.


Any help appreciated.


Not being funny but have you tried searches of 'smallpox'?

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The Star existed from 1887 - are you sure they don't have microfilm of the early years in the Local Studies Library? In any case I would look at the Telegraph and the Independent first, they were weightier papers and they will definitely have covered the epidemic in depth.


The Sheffield Local Register a digest of local news which was published by the same people as the Independent has many references to the outbreak - a small sample:


6 Jul 1887

Small-pox reappears in Sheffield and becomes epidemic.


22 Sep 1887.

Inhabitants Dore and Totley protest against the use of Totley Gardens as a small-pox convalescent home, and move for an injunction against the Corporation. Application dismissed, Oct. 5.


12 Oct 1887

Sheffield Town Council....purchase of Lodge Moor Plantation for small-pox hospital


22 Dec 1887 The Lodge Moor Hospital : Application to borrow £13,000. From 800 to 1000 cases of small-pox in the town.


23 Dec 1887

Summons against Mrs. Maclaren for wilfully exposing her servant who had small-pox, dismissed.


28 Jan 1888

Rev. Dr. Dallinger and other preachers refer to the small-pox epidemic. A controversy on "the power of prayer" follows.



There must be column miles of coverage in the actual newspapers.



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Many thanks for your contribution. This is exactly the sort of over-view and analysis I was looking for. I appreciate your input.



As I mentioned I have searched the web but it has thrown up medical analyses - which are not what I am seeking.


And, yes, the Star did exist back in 1887 but the Central Library's copies have been destroyed, lost or whatever.....but do not exist even on microfiche. The Independent does exist on microfiche but it recounts day by day events rather than an over-view.

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The Star coverage would not have been very different from the Independent (especially as they were owned by the same people), but any local newpaper of repute would have both the day to day chronicle of events and the human interest stories as well as other articles, particularly after the event, looking at the overall effects of the epidemic.


On another note, I remember years ago looking at the big government report on the outbreak (there's a copy in the local studies library), and being startled by the distribution maps showing the progress of the epidemic through time. There was a clear second phase of the epidemic with waves of new cases centred on the isolation hospital. As the Times article says, not very 'isolated' at all.



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