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Princes trust funding has anyone had experience with this?

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hi i am in the process of applying for a prices trust fund to start up my own buisness in hair extentions, i am after a grant towards the cost of training and equiptment that i would need, the courses vary from £700 to £1000.


So the question is has anyone applyed for this kind of funding? How long did the decition take? What are the exact requirement as i have looked online and as far as i can see from the limited information i am eligable, i have been unemployed for 3 1/2 years but not signed on as my partner works to support us, i have not worked through choice so i could raise my child, we get child tax credit/working tax credits but it doesnt mention if you have to be in a low income or certain income bracket does anyone know if there is a income bracket etc? Does anyone have any advice?


Thanks for any advice in advance x

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  • 4 years later...

Yes Becky I have and they are awful. They tell lies and decieve people just to fill places on their courses they don`t care about young people I was the same as you in 2010 and wanted to start up an online business making cards so the economy being in the state it is in and my finances being bad after personal financial problems I had heard of them so decided to give it a go as everyone had nothing but positive things to say about them.


I had to go on a four day course in Mansfield, the trainer on the course went round asking everyone their ideas I told her mine AND WAS TOLD BY THE TRAINER MY IDEA WAS FEESABLE ANOTHER LIE. They made me buy all my materials out of my own money and did not provide funding until the very end I was on £62.00 a week JSA so things were tight, I was also told by the so called trainer on the course that my mentor would come and meet me where was convienient for me this never happened as she was always in the same place seeing people and it was no where near where I was so I ended up getting two buses to meet her which was difficult I think she came to me in a place nearest to me maybe twice if that and I saw her about every two weeks for 6 months.


The panel I saw were in Nottingham and were absoloutely vile the most rude, obnoxious, ignorant, stuck up group of people I have ever met in my life. They made me buy all my materials and then the panel had the cheek to say my products were of cheap quality and they knew my personal situation as my mentor told them. One in particular James I have just recently formally complained about him to them. I recieved a letter back not to my satisfaction defending the wrong doing by these awful people, I have sent another one just telling this person to stop hiding behind the fact they lie and decieve people and that they need to make changes to their programme as I think its outrageous to make people pay for their own materials do you not agree?? and that changes need to be made with regards to staff and how they speak to and address clients as I think the way I was treated was unfair and unjust when I just went to them for help.


So I would NOT ENCOURAGE ANY INDIVIDUAL TO GET INVOLVED WITH THIS ORGANISATION IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE NO BETTER OFF THEY DO NOT HELP ANYONE ITS A JOKE SOMEONE SHOULD REPORT THEM I AM CONSIDERING TAKING MY COMPLAINT FURTHER BUT DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO TAKE IT TO I have not had a reply from them yet since I sent my second letter Becky not suprising this is the kind of two bit Mickey Mouse company you will be dealing with. I also keep reporting their page on facebook as I think it should be shut down as it is a complete joke and I have set up a page for action against them. In the end I recieved £79.00 funding from them a grant not a loan as I was refusing to apply for a loan again after the way I was treated by the panel GOOD LOOK GETTING YOUR FUNDING BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT SEE ONE PENNY OF IT AS THEY HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF FUNDING PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE ITS ALL A FRONT JUST TO MAKE THE PRINCES TRUST LOOK GOOD.


This is something that I feel strongly about as in this current climate people who cannot get help from a bank who just want to earn a living rely on them for helping forging a new start as there are no jobs as well, and they are con artists tricking people and ripping vunrable young people off who look to them as a reputable source however they are not and should not be allowed to go on doing this. I wonder how many more young people have been treated in this manner by the not so wonderful Princes Trust??. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :roll: :roll:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have recently written a letter of complaint to the head of office of this organisation in London. I recieved a call back from a nice lady who was horrified to hear that I was pushed into applying for a loan, when there is a start up grant available to you of £250 which would have been enough for me to get all the things that I needed.


She was horrified to hear that I was made to buy all my materials that I needed out of my money. She was very upset that I had been treated this way, and is still investigating my case as we speak with the Princes Trust in my area East Midlands I hope they have an answer for her as to why I was let down and treated in this way as even she agreed it was not acceptable and there was no excuse. :) :)

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