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Are some people naturally nocturnal?

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For years i have had problems trying to sleep at night, i've just been arguing with some friends of mine who keep telling me that we're not programmed at all to be up all night and a sleep all day, and humans are not naturally nocturnal, but ever since i can remember i am more alert and hyper at nighttime than any other time of the day, and if the oppurtunity arises and the nights go on I will always found myself going to bed later and later, i'm definitley more prone to stopping up late than most other people, i even feel more hungry, motivated and energetic come nightfall regardless of the bodyclock times i've tried desperately hard to condition myself into for work and other commitments etc.


For example i often go for bike rides, decorate the house and even done gardening etc at night but never really feel like doing it during daytime. My neighbours used to think i was dodgy because i would constantly be heard seen digging or leaving the house or getting stopped by the police for cycling at night.


I personally feel i would be more productive and feel healthier if allowed to have more of a nocturnal sleep cycle, eg sleep during most of the day and be awake through most of the night.


So are some people naturally more nocturnal and do you find yourself more of a night person or is it just a simple case of suffering from insomnia?

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Yes, some people are naturally noctural - and I'm one of 'em. I sometimes wonder if moving to a different time zone might solve the problem, because my body clock certainly doesn't agree with GMT.


And if there's one thing I cannot abide it's these rotten barstewards - like my next door neighbour - who is maliciously and malevolently cheerful at me first thing in the morning. He only torments me because he's too scared to torment his wife, who is a normal, don't talk to me until I've had at least 3 cups of tea and 4 ciggies sort of person in the morning.

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All of my family are nightowls - It is usually around 3ish I start thinking about bed and by the time I've got the cats sorted fresh water and brought their beds out, taken the dog a walk, had a wash, cleaned teeth, creams etc etc and read a book for about 30 minutes it's getting on for near 5ish. Good job I don't need that much sleep.

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Me too i also enjoy the tranquility and peace of the nightime


Dozy - How do you cope with work commitments and other responsibilities? if you've had or have any at present?


When I worked, my partner nagged me into going to bed at a semi-reasonable time. She also spent a lot of time making me get up in the morning, which was quite a task if I'd only had 2 or 3 hours sleep.


I swallowed (and still swallow) copious amounts of those Sleep Aid tablets from the chemists.


When I took early retirement, I could obviously sleep later, which suited me a lot better. And I could have a nap during the day if necessary, but I still avoided becoming totally nocturnal, because the rest of the world isn't!!


When my partner died, and I took over the care of her mother, she took over the waking me up in the morning - otherwise we'd miss the bus to Morrisons or Meadowhell, and she wouldn't get her trip out. Or she wouldn't get her lunch on time!!


My sleep patterns are totally screwed up at the moment - I'm trying hard to get back into the habit of getting to bed at a reasonable time and and getting up before the middle of the afternoon. Tonight it doesn't seem to be worked very well :hihi:

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When I lived back home in Sheffield I never had problems sleeping, but since coming to Australia (33yrs ago) I have had trouble sleeping. Now I wake up most nights about 1.30a.m. and read usually falling asleep some four hours later. Thank goodness I'm retired.

I figure it's this living upside down does it ;)

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When I lived back home in Sheffield I never had problems sleeping, but since coming to Australia (33yrs ago) I have had trouble sleeping. Now I wake up most nights about 1.30a.m. and read usually falling asleep some four hours later. Thank goodness I'm retired.

I figure it's this living upside down does it ;)

nan, I can solve your problems, and mine at the same time, lets swap places:)


I'm sure I can afford the flights. :)


(if not I'll mug someone, plenty of vunerable people around at this time of night:hihi:)

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