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Are some people naturally nocturnal?

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When I lived back home in Sheffield I never had problems sleeping, but since coming to Australia (33yrs ago) I have had trouble sleeping. Now I wake up most nights about 1.30a.m. and read usually falling asleep some four hours later. Thank goodness I'm retired.

I figure it's this living upside down does it ;)


Australia was the only place I have stayed in where I did go to bed at a normal time (well around 12ish) I'd gladly swap places with you nanrobbo I loved the time spent out there, The air in England is so much heavier, I remember the first morning back I almost woke up gasping for air. I also find if I do manage to have a normal amount of sleep (8 hours) I wake with a dreadful headache and feel yukky for the rest of the day.

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I am definately a night owl I find it hard to go to bed before midnight and then only because I have to get up at 7 am to get my daughter off to school and go to work etc.


I have a terrible time trying to sleep but seem to find it easier to sleep early morning just when I have to get up!!


I have seen a programme on this which said that there were 3 types of people nightowls,

morning people who like to go to bed early and get up early and then the normals who the 9-5 culture suits. Apparently a lot of it is passed on through genes in my case I get it from my dad who went to bed late and liked to get up late.


My daughter is also a nightowl and I have great problems getting her to sleep and up early for school but I understand as I know how she feels

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I love staying up late, but it's not good when you have to be up at 6.30.....or 7.15 in this morning's case :P


How many times did you press snooze?:roll::P


Usually I love my bed, but recently I've not been sleeping too well. The main problem is not feeling like I want to go to bed. Once I'm in there and asleep, I don't want to get out in the morning:roll: I hate getting up with a passion!!!


I don't want to become a night owl, when Uni starts again I will have far too much to do in the day to be up until stupid o'clock! And I really really need me sleep, I hate that nagging feeling of tiredness and falling asleep on the bus when you haven't had enough:(

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How many times did you press snooze?:roll::PQUOTE]


Pressed it so many times that it stopped going off after a while, was only luck I woke up when I did! Could have woken at like 10am! Big alarm is getting set tonight, got bells on! Nobody can ignore that!!!

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  • 3 years later...
Most newborn babies are naturally nocturnal until they get a bit of a sleep pattern, so maybe it's the way that we're meant to be.


Its interesting because a large percentage of people i know would love to stop up all night if they could!


If you go back to caveman days then man presumably will have done most of his hunting at night?


I wonder with us generally becoming more of a 24 hour mobile society will we see more people choosing the night shift?

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