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Smoking with children in the car

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What do you think of it?

Should it be banned?

Do you do it?


Personally I think it's the most discusting act anybody could perform. I am a smoker myself and I do have children. But it amazes me how many drivers/passengers smoke while they have their kids in the car with them.

My partners friend will openly admit to smoking in the car with his 4 year old daughter present, he mentioned to my partner that his wife also smokes while the child is in the car even though the passenger side window does not open. It infuriates me. Even I don't smoke in my car when my child isn't there, it's too smokey and christ knows why somebody thinks that their child would want to breath in over 4000 carcinogens??

You may as well pass your child 20 Park Drive!!!


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Even I don't smoke in my car when my child isn't there, it's too smokey and christ knows why somebody thinks that their child would want to breath in over 4000 carcinogens??

You may as well pass your child 20 Park Drive!!!



...so why do you want to breath in 4000 carcinogens?? :confused:

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Guest Mod_Man

What about car exhausts? Most exhaust pipes are on the left hand side of the road, any parent pushing their child's pram alongside the road is just as likely to subject themselves and their child to carcinogens.


Do you turn off your engine when children are around?

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...so why do you want to breath in 4000 carcinogens?? :confused:

Thats my stupid choice...I have a choice like everybody else. Including CHILDREN!! That was my point, these kids don't have a choice when their parent is smoking in the car with them. So, is a ban the only option to let these children breath fresh air??

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What about car exhausts? Most exhaust pipes are on the left hand side of the road, any parent pushing their child's pram alongside the road is just as likely to subject themselves and their child to carcinogens.


Do you turn off your engine when children are around?


Unfortuantely it would be impossible to prevent children breathing in car exhaust fumes unless we took every car off the road, but having to smoke during a journey while your kids are in the car is like I said, discusting. If a passenger NEEDED a fag then why not pull over and smoke outside? Passive smoking, I heard is just as, if not more dangerous than smoking.:mad:

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Thats my stupid choice...I have a choice like everybody else. Including CHILDREN!! That was my point, these kids don't have a choice when their parent is smoking in the car with them. So, is a ban the only option to let these children breath fresh air??


I'm not disputing it being your choice, but if you see so strongly the rationale of protecting your children from cigarette smoke you see also the damage it must be doing to yourself...primarily that it will shorten the life you will be able to spend with your precious children.


Anyway, apologies for taking this thread off your original topic, yes I do thinks it's disgusting when adults smoke in cars with children present.

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I'm not disputing it being your choice, but if you see so strongly the rationale of protecting your children from cigarette smoke you see also the damage it must be doing to yourself...primarily that it will shorten the life you will be able to spend with your precious children.


Anyway, apologies for taking this thread off your original topic, yes I do thinks it's disgusting when adults smoke in cars with children present.


Yes I agree with everything you said. BUT, It's and addiction. If I want to damage my body and shorten my life I know that will have a knock on effect to my child. AND, I know help is available. BUt like I said it's my stupid choice (very stupid I know). But if I do it my child is always protected from inhaling my second hand smoke.

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Guest Mod_Man
Unfortuantely it would be impossible to prevent children breathing in car exhaust fumes unless we took every car off the road, but having to smoke during a journey while your kids are in the car is like I said, discusting. If a passenger NEEDED a fag then why not pull over and smoke outside? Passive smoking, I heard is just as, if not more dangerous than smoking.:mad:


So you're willing for people to pull over and likely leave their engines running to poison anybody on the roadside?


Why is it harder to get people out of their cars? Cars aren't an addictive substance.


Why is driving a car which pumps out far more carcinogens acceptable yet smoking in your car with your child is not? I understand that the child will be breathing in unhealthy smoke but aren't children at the roadside. Doesn't Tinsley have the highest number of asthma cases in Sheffield due to that great big road they have close by? No-one has called for that road to be closed.

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So you're willing for people to pull over and likely leave their engines running to poison anybody on the roadside?


Why is it harder to get people out of their cars? Cars aren't an addictive substance.


Why is driving a car which pumps out far more carcinogens acceptable yet smoking in your car with your child is not? I understand that the child will be breathing in unhealthy smoke but aren't children at the roadside. Doesn't Tinsley have the highest number of asthma cases in Sheffield due to that great big road they have close by? No-one has called for that road to be closed.


Ok so what's gonna be done about that? Nothing, like I said roads can't be closed, and cars cannot be taken off the roads. There's not much that can be done about that but surely people should be encouraged to do as much as possible to ensure their child breaths in fresh air. Cars are not an addiction, but can be a necessary evil.

Why would parents WANT their childto passive smoke??

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Guest Mod_Man

Why would parents WANT their childto passive smoke??


I don't believe any parent would want their child to passively inhale any fumes of any kind. If you're going to insist people clean up the air their child breathes in then why not start with the roads, you have people you don't know who are pumping carcinogens into the atmosphere for you and your child to breath, you just see that as a necessary evil.


If the kids are going to inhale smoke you may as well let them inhale smoke in a nice warm car than on the roadside.


I just don't think you can complain about something like smoking in a car whilst you have passengers yet accept atmospheric pollution as a necessary evil. Is every journey you take in your car a necessary one?

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