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Smoking with children in the car

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I feel sorry for smokers .... they cant have a fag anywhere without the 'practically perfect in every way' PC brigade on their backs. Yes, its not good to smoke with kids in the car .... but its hardly the crime of the century. I was raised in a generation when passive smoking was not known of, my dad used to puff away so much the lounge was constantly 'smoggy', he used to smoke whilst driving (before electric windown, air conditioning' etc) ... and for a special treat we were taken to a working mans club to watch the 'turn' .... again in a room full of smoke, the cinema was the same, infact there was no escape from it. christ knows how Im still alive!!!!


BTW, no i dont smoke ... anymore ;)

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I don't believe any parent would want their child to passively inhale any fumes of any kind. If you're going to insist people clean up the air their child breathes in then why not start with the roads, you have people you don't know who are pumping carcinogens into the atmosphere for you and your child to breath, you just see that as a necessary evil.


If the kids are going to inhale smoke you may as well let them inhale smoke in a nice warm car than on the roadside.


I just don't think you can complain about something like smoking in a car whilst you have passengers yet accept atmospheric pollution as a necessary evil. Is every journey you take in your car a necessary one?


I don't accept cars as a necessary evil I never said that but what about starting closer to hoe where we can easily make a difference. it's not hard to get out of your car and light up. But it is hard to encourage people with cars and without kids to not use their cars for other peoples sake!

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Guest Mod_Man
I don't accept cars as a necessary evil I never said that but what about starting closer to hoe where we can easily make a difference. it's not hard to get out of your car and light up. But it is hard to encourage people with cars and without kids to not use their cars for other peoples sake!


And they're not even addicted. It just seems a bit hypocritical to complain about a parent smoking in their car whilst their child is present yet not stop using your car.

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And they're not even addicted. It just seems a bit hypocritical to complain about a parent smoking in their car whilst their child is present yet not stop using your car.


It's just a topic of discussion. I wasn't on here to be called a hypocrite.

I just think that I would never firgive myself if my child became ill due to passive smoking. I thought I would have had alot more people on my side to be honest!:confused:

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I agree with Yan, and i dont understand why people seem to think there is nothing wrong with this? More smoke goes into the back of the car than out of the window when smoking on the move, and i agree it shouldnt be made illegal because at the end of the day its their own children they're damaging, its just up to the driver/passanger whether its really worth it. surely they could wait until at a place they can have a cigarette and not have to force the fumes up their childs nose?


I also think its a bit daft comparing it to car fumes, with car emmitions, you can't help what gets chucked out of the exhaust but you DO have the choice whether to smoke with your child sat behind you, or wait until a more sensible time?


if i had a child, and smoked around them, if something happened to the child, eg, getting asthma, ide only blame myself.

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It's just a topic of discussion. I wasn't on here to be called a hypocrite.

I just think that I would never firgive myself if my child became ill due to passive smoking. I thought I would have had alot more people on my side to be honest!:confused:


am on your side...no smoking with kids in car.

i'll go further tho...why smoke at all.

its so uncivilized...ur paying to give yourself cancer.

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And they're not even addicted. It just seems a bit hypocritical to complain about a parent smoking in their car whilst their child is present yet not stop using your car.



agree with u,but am afraid just me and u alone aren't going to get the car off the road

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I just think that I would never firgive myself if my child became ill due to passive smoking. I thought I would have had alot more people on my side to be honest!:confused:


Am in total agreement with you Yan, people shouldn't smoke with their children in the car.


The problem, for me, is the paradox that you're complaining about people that have an addiction that you, yourself suffer from.


Addictions make your behaviour compulsive and the people who smoke with their kids in the car are simply displaying this compunction to smoke, if it were so easy to avoid, you would have done it long ago wouldn't you? :)

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agree with u,but am afraid just me and u alone aren't going to get the car off the road


Some people need a car, people dont NEED to smoke, especially not with little ones in the back!

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