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Smoking with children in the car

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Smoking in the car with children present ! Terrible ! The best thing is to kick the whining little pests out of the car [ perhaps they could do a bit of gardening or even go for a walk ? Or walk behind the car ? ] and then sit back, relax, and enjoy a peaceful puff.

The brats would soon change from being fat, little 'balloons on legs' into healthy, bright-eyed youngsters and leave Mom or Dad to drive to the pub in peace.

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You should charge your kids 2 pence for every cigarette they smoke passively, that way, by the time they can purchase cigarettes they will have aready worked out it is an expensive habit. It will also stop them expecting to be able to take yors for free when they are on 20 a day.

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Can only go on what ages my parents and grandparents lived to, namely into their eighties. l am a pensioner myself now, so quite happy to have lived as long as this. I am talking about Sheffield itself, perhaps you are too young to remember those times.


Maybe without smoking they'd have lived into their 90's.

That's my point, without a twin to compare yourself too, you've no idea what damage was done.

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Generally speaking, the fact that you'd have to ask yourself the question " Should I smoke In a car while children present" says more about you than the question you've asked.


There are those that will always use "live with it or walk- simple" because they really can't see beyond their own tiny world. ' What's good for me is good for everyone' (usually said in a puffed out chest)

Taking others into consideration is an anathema, unless it benefits them. You'll probably find the person, if not at worst, a social outcast because their doctrine covers most aspects of their life..an inability to connect with anyone on a social level, unless of course they find someone totally subservient or more pathetic.


Their the "Billy no mates" of the world.

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