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How many working mens clubs are still open?


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If any of my mates would go in I would happily drink in one, but most of today's men just find it too old fashined and embarrasing.


Yeah, well, ur all just too cool for skule :hihi:


I was talking about this the other day with a random person and she said they were having a meeting soon to discuss the future of their social club as the members were all older and the smoking ban was keeping them away etc etc. Poor old guys and gals huddled outside in the freezing cold just to have a fag! It's a disgrace, really.


Anyway, my point is that we slightly older people need somewhere to go to socialise but most of us wouldn't want to go to a drab old fashioned WMC to do it. If only some of them could turn themselves into something like the old Turn-Ups club in Nether Edge used to be, I bet they'd be buzzing!


I'd go deffo, cos there is nowhere for the 0ver-50s to socialise these days. :(

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