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The curious tale of Horatio Bright's mausoleum on the moors


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Judith Hanson's book on "Crosspool" confirms that Horatio married a 25-year old actress and had three more children, and shows a fascinating picture on page 35 of Lydgate Hall Crescent half-built, with Lydgate Hall still in situ. The caption says that after Horatio's death in 1906, Lydgate Hall was left empty, although spasmodically occupied by tennants. It was finally demolished in the 1930s and the crescent completed.

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I happened to be out walking at Moscar this morning, and I decided to have a look at the mausoleum. It used to be easily visible from the road, but now it is almost completely surrounded by small trees and rhododendron bushes. I managed to get near enough to the building to take a photo - http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u219/twigmore/MoscarMausoleum.jpg


In the lower left corner of the photo can be seen the chimney cowl that used to be at the apex of the roof - the hole is covered by a tarpaulin-type sheet but in general the roof seems to be in a good state of repair.


Alastair notes that the reason for the January 1983 break-in might have been the belief that valuables had been interred with the deceased. When I was growing up at Stannington in the 1950s there was indeed a persistent local rumour that Horatio Bright's wife had been buried with her jewels, and a well-known local character (now long deceased) had made an unsuccessful attempt to break into the mausoleum in the 1930s.

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This is a longshot, but I am looking for guidance and info on the Bright Family of Sheffield. I am the 3rd great granddaughter of Maurice De Lara Bright. Maurice was the elder brother of Horatio (what a character). I have found an abundance of family history through my own research and with the help of a geneologist. Any suggestions from vast group of Professional Sheffielders?

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