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Where to take a lady in Hillsborough?

Ron Blanco

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I need urgent help here. I have a (blind) date Saturday night and we've agreed to meet in Hillsborough - but I know nothing about the place and I'm concerned that our future happiness could be in jeopardy if I choose the wrong place.


Any suggestions?


I'd like a nice quietish pub to meet, then a nice restaurant (but obviously not too expensive - I'm not made of money after all) and finally maybe a pleasantly convivial bar post-meal.


Do such places exist in Hillsborough?

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No, don't meet there. Hillsborough is best known for inbreeding, and your future happiness from meeting there will involve children with webbed feet who also happen to be your brother/auntie/cousin.


Meet at the tram stop and go into town.

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i would agree with kristian about la vida loca for a meal- it is very reasonably priced and the food is good.


as for the drink part though- i suspect you might struggle- ive never been to the garrison hotel though.


perhaps your best bet is to do a bit of a recce before you arrange anything- if nothing else so you know how to get there!




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No, don't meet there. Hillsborough is best known for inbreeding...


Thanks for those words of warning ade65, but I am determined to brave it out.


The Garrison followed by La vida loca - sounds like it could be the best bet for a trouble-free evening. Thanks for those tips everyone - it's much appreciated - and if a serious relationship develops of course you will all get an invite.

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Will you have a telegraph under your left arm so she knows it's you? ;)


I don't know Hillsborough so can't comment, bar to say I've been in the Garrison when my friend was working there and we had a really nice night.


I hope it all goes well for you - and report back.

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