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Dove + Rainbow CAMRA Pub of the Month (Feb 2008)


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Have you ever tried CASK lager? It's not widely available here, been trying to get some but its very tricky....apparently its how lager SHOULD taste and served at cask ale temperatures, around 11 degrees C so you can actually TASTE it rather than minus 300 degrees so that it numbs the taste buds like UK keg lagers.....


I have tried cask lager named as such, brewed in the UK by lager methods and served by beer engine. Were or when does escape me. You do occassionally see it brewed by a few UK breweries and to be sold as lager I would imagine it has to be bottom fermented?


Still I do enjoy a pint of proper (usually Bavarian) bier brewed under the Reinheitsgebot restricitions. Or of course a decent pint of a fine german White Beer is equally tasty. It's just the muck they brew in the UK as "lager" that the countless morons seem to enjoy on West St etc. Perhaps maybe it's time we introduced a Reinheitsgebot on not only beer but pub goers too?!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah but Stella is a "premium" product shipped with great care from far away Continental Europe, brewed to a recipe passed down over the generations. Hence the higher price. It's worth it after all.



Or....is it over advertised pi$s "brewed" in some chemical plant and then sold at over inflated prices to idiots with as much taste as IQ?


I have no problems with proper imported continental lager or beers, but the illusion that products such as Fosters and Stella have ever been near their supposed countries of origin is laughable!





or maybe some people dont like the taste of ale but do lager so thats why they drink it, and dont tell me lager has no taste because i dont like the taste of alot of lagers only ones ill drink are grolsch or kronnenburg(sp) if i cant get them two i just have a pint of strongbow or magners

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I am pleased to tell you all that the Dove and Rainbow has been awarded Sheffield CAMRA PUB OF THE MONTH for February 2008. This is a very exciting time for us, and we are delighted, and hope to welcome many more real ale drinkers with open arms into our fold.


This weekend we have on our usual Hobgoblin, Black Sheep, John Smiths Cask, and Charles Well's Bombardier...

Guest ales Young's bitter, Flowers I.P.A, Sharp's Eden Ale, Fuller's London pride, Cameron's Strongarm......


Join us this weekend for quality cask ales, classic rock and the most eclectic mix of people to be found in the centre of Sheffield!:)


Great news, i'm ashamed to say i've not been in since about 1994, but next time in Sheffield i'll call in... looks a bit rock orientated, but hey ho!


I've posted your news to the Facebook CAMRA group!


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