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Mish Mash - Sheffield


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that's also what i thought... nick .. but that's what modern is...


and i spotted roasted salsify somewhere... i bought some recently from beanies.. grated it finely and gently fried it... my girlfriend used it to top a miso, carrot, udon noodle dish... it's quite tasty...

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That pan fried halibut is esecially good - I've had it! But does the inclusion of pasta make it an italian restaurant? Of course not. You're still mixing up ingredients with cuisine. Best not allow Italian, Chinese or Indian restaurants use any potatoes! ;)


Nick2, you are very naughty... now stop it and go and do a review on this restaurant so we all know if it's any good.

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The thing is "lamb and veg" is hardly exciting is it ?

It's the kind of thing my mum would make for Sunday lunch.

Ok so the veg might be organic and the lamb might be from Chatsworth but it's something you could make yourself.


You could make chicken korma for yourself out of a jar from tesco.

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OMG is Tony on his beeriod today? He is having a pop at all and sundry; surely he's not always this bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Come on Tony, not everyone on the forum has the funds to eat out at the places you suggested. I think Nick2 made a few interesting points at first.


Let us get this back on track, with an honest, open and fair discussion about the restaurant.

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I can't afford to eat at those places very often either pippadoll, but I like to make it count when I can :)






I drove past the new place last night and it was open so I guess we can expect some reviews very soon. Meanwhile here is my drive by review:


It looked VERY bright but there were a few people in, and there seemed to be a lot of staff hovering on the staircase.


I wasn't too keen on the two tables placed right in the front of the full height plate glass windows. Ladies, don't wear a skirt above the ankles if you sit there and gents don't be tempted to have a scratch!!

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Has anyone been here yet? I drove past last night and it looked busy, surely someone on here has tried it out....


It seems to be a similar concept to Mashouse from what I've read, only using locally sourced products.




Just found the website




Menu looks interesting.

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