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Anyone on here from Woodhouse Mill?


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I lived at Woodhouse Mill for a short while in about 1967. My parents kept the Princess Royal pub. I remember that lots of the locals were real characters, and there was a really nice walk into some woods just by the row of terraced houses.

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My dads an origianal woodh's d lad, surname battersby from station road. Heard all the stories of wot they got up2 back in the 70's & 80's.


the battersbys lived in the row of houses behind my dads near the junction (the back gardens almost touched)


trying to think back and remember the names now.

think he was Kenny


always remember when me and my mate saw him get attacked by a swarm of wasps from a wasp nest on the waste ground leading to the private

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My hubby was born in woodhouse/ mill we both lived there till about 3years ago .I worked there till 2 weeks ago. It's an unusual place to live, everyone knows everyone else and can be very friendly even the 'characters ' :)


whats it like these days? bet its changed since i last saw


is the large field still there next to the rother?

the small shop backing on to it?

the princess royal?


other places i remember when i was hanging around there

the church on the corner across the road, then the garage, then the club?

further up before the bridge was a small newsagents?


wish i could remember names from back then :(

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The big field i think is what they now call the washlands, yes it's still there . the shop is no longer there. the building is but it's been converted to a house now. The other field behind that , the one you may mean too is still there too. That is behind the row of houses that the shop was on. All the others are still where you remember them to be . you seem to have a very good memory melthebell!

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