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A few thoughts on the group


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In the light of Peacock Lady's posts on this thread, I've decided I am far too insignificant in the greater scheme of "Potential Professionals" v. "The Rest" (i.e those ordinary SF folk like me who contribute solely for pleasure, not profit) to continue as a password holder with access to the WG Server.


I'll request my password be removed forthwith.


My sincere, heartfelt thanks to all of you for giving me the genuine pleasure and delight in reading your contributions on the WG Server since the Group started for real 18 months ago.


My very special thanks go to Mantaspook. He stepped in at an awkward time to offer his services to the Group as Co-Leader. He's a very special person and a great Group Leader. :thumbsup:


JoeP......my thanks to you also. Steadfast, encouraging, supportive of the Group from its first concept, and even under the greatest of personal pressure (undeserved) you've provided encouragement and a steady hand on the helm of the "Good Ship 'Writers Group'" for reasons known only to a couple of people other than myself. You have my respect, man. (I forgive you for giving me an SF ban or two elsewhere on the Forum! I think! :hihi:)

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I've been away from the Writer's Group since the summer, due to ill health (which included a temporary ban by my hospital consultant on using a computer). My health has now improved, but now I'm struggling to write a new short story (I think they call it writer's block?).


I'd never written stories before, and was extremely anxious about having a go on SF - I'm sure I'm not alone on that score. However, it was because of the feedback that members gave that spurred me on to write again. I have found the WG immensely enjoyable, and the feedback of great help. I've appreciated themany tips I've received, and believe this improved my style and technique. Thank you everyone.


I still though remember my fear of publishing, and think it would be encourage new writers if they could simply request feedback (as opposed to a more formal critique). For example, what do readers think of the theme or plot; tips on grammar and spelling; length; suspense; imagery; how the characters were developed, etc., etc.


I'm now going to have a go at writing a new story that's been fermenting in my mind for a while now. Not sure when it will be completed, or if indeed I'll abandon it. But if I can complete a new story, I'll look forward to the WG's feedback in due course.




PS shoeshine - please reconsider your intention to cancel your WG password. You have been an invaluable source of help, encouragement and support to me - and other WG members too. You will be sorely missed if you leave the WG.

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PS shoeshine - please reconsider your intention to cancel your WG password. You have been an invaluable source of help, encouragement and support to me - and other WG members too. You will be sorely missed if you leave the WG.


I appreciate your sentiments, red and offer my best wishes and encouragement for you getting experiences down on paper, or more technological formats.


I read all your contributions placed on the Server, and was impressed with the quality, content and readability of same. They were so different from the fictional content usually found on there. Quite unique, in fact.


As for handing my password in, I've already made a request for it to be effected. I expect I could always ask for it to be reinstated if the desire arises.


I intend to contribute here, as an ordinary SF Member may choose to do now. I may even contribute a story or two on an "open" post now and then. Naturally I shall censure the contents in such a way that neither I, the other principle characters or even the locations could be unidentifiable.


Now that really is a challenge! :hihi:

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Yes, I do hope shoeshine considers his decision. We do like & respect him a lot on the WG.:)


pattricia, I'm not quitting the Group. ;)


I'm just going to be a non-password holder looking from outside through the window, and perhaps with the view ordinary SF members have looking in to it prior to considering whether I'd have the incentive to join in. :)


Do you think that's a good idea, or a bad one?

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pattricia, I'm not quitting the Group. ;)


I'm just going to be a non-password holder looking from outside through the window, and perhaps with the view ordinary SF members have looking in to it prior to considering whether I'd have the incentive to join in. :)


Do you think that's a good idea, or a bad one?


I'm confused now. But if you aren't a WG password holder, you won't be able to read any of the contributions, and give folk feedback. And your feedback is, believe me shoeshine, invaluable.


I speak from personal experience. You encouraged me, persuaded me, cajoled me - in fact you did everything but bribe me! - to get me going on the Writer's Group. You assisted with my technophobia. Then, when I finally got my stories into the public domain, you encouraged me further to keep on writing, and gave tips on improving my style.


Until the WG - and shoeshine in particular - appeared, I never gave a thought of publicising what had been, until then, only my scribbles. I know I'm not alone is saying what a debt of gratitude I owe to shoeshine. I, and others, just enjoying creative writing. Oft times we are scared of what we producing for public consumption. Yet shoeshine has never been overly critical; always helping folk overcome their nervousness; always a friend to a new writer.


Please don't leave us shoeshine. Please stay around and from time to time offer us your commentry and advice. Most of us are not looking for a publicising deal, or dream of earning megabucks as a writer, or look to top the best seller's list. We just appreciate your friendly advice, support and critical eye. Not to read future stories, and not to comment on them, would be a severe loss to the WG.

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Hiya red. I'm blushing!


Your comments are really, really appreciated, believe me.


Most of my contributions on the Server to-date have been "real-life" reminiscences. I have many more of them. At my time of life I suppose that's not unusual. :)


However, I've never put anything on the Server with the aim of submitting it to a potential publisher, so I could post it on "open" WG Forum.


On the other hand your stories may have a commercial value. Other contributions may well meet that criteria too. Hence the need for the WG Server access for folks like you.


Mind, I have tales which are "real life" and I am wary of placing them on "open" Forum because the people concerned may "suss" who I am and result in huge damages in a Court of Law.


I'm not a Jabberwocky clone, by the way! :hihi:

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