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A few thoughts on the group


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Thanks SK.


Yes, well he's taken the place of the wolf, by popular demand. I couldn't quite remember if foxes are goodies or baddies in children's stories. In real life of course most people are quite thrilled when they see a fox but on the other hand they are a bit of a nuisance to farmers, terrorising chickens etc. Of course, I'm not condoning hunting them down with packs of dogs but then again lots of people think hunting foxes is ok - they tend to be country folk, who have a different perspective on things to the urban dwellers.


As writers, we have a responsibility to consider how foxes are portrayed in our stories because it is our stories that will influence the perception of future generations. I have portrayed the fox as a victim of an apparently motive-less crime, but the little girl's violent temper itself came about from a difficult experience she once had when a wolf ate her grandma. Fortunately a woodcutter saved the grandma, but the little girl has been left with mental scars. I perhaps could have balanced things out by allowing the fox to bite her leg in retaliation, but I shall leave it as it is for now - who knows when the fox might seek his revenge....

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