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Sheffield myths

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think that was the old sheaf valley baths from what i can remember,thats why ponds forge was built for the student games so it would be the correct length.


yup, it was the sheaf valley baths, not ponds forge. I also believe there was some problem with SVB about leaks from the pool? that the alterartions and repairs needed to bring it up to standard was going to be prohibitive?

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'Heard this myth a few years ago, that a lot of gangland members etc went missing from Attercliffe n Darnall whilst the Viaduct was constructed.

No trace, some say they were shot and put in the viaduct?'


Can we organise something similar when the cooling towers come down, get rid of some of the current gang scum?

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I heard there's an abandoned theme park called The Ride Of Life under Meadowhall. It was decided that it should never be used as the creators designed it with a anti-consumerist message.



The Ride of Life was designed as a themed ride commissioned for the Oasis but never installed. The surviving bit of is on display in an exhbition of mechanical theatre at Kinetica in London.





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That a lot of people were buried beneath the old Marples building (now HeinGerike) in Fitzalan square, due to being bombed in the blitz. I was told there were so many people in there that night that no one bothered to dig out the bodies, and just buried them, then built over them.


Actually that is true, it was wine vaults below the building that was like a rabbit run, when the bombing started everyone in the area went to the marples (which was called London Mart- John MARPLES was the licencee) looking to use the vaults as a shelter, there was several bars and a concert room above which used to be 7 floors high, also some workers used to collect their wages inside which also, for obvious reasons, attracted working girls. So you can imagine how many people there was crammed in. So yes it is true that some bodies were never recovered BUT i believe it was more of a case of people being left in there because they just could not find them rather than the story they was left in there because there was no point of getting them out. If you look either on the building or in the square there is a plaque with all the names of the known victims that was never recovered.

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No aspirations to be moderator at all, and a well developed sense of humour...indeed I am the funniest person I know:D


But Burngreave to be twinned with Dore????? weak and not funny IMO:suspect:


Read the Burngreave or Dore thread and you might just understand.


Are you sure that you aren't the only person that you know?

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There is a myth:

That if you feed a tramp down castle market after midnight and throw water on them, they will reproduce by shooting furry balls out of there backs.

These furry balls will grow up, wondering the city of sheffield asking people for 20p change to get the last bus home.

Some do not fully develop into adult status and are subjected to sitting next to a cash point for the rest of there lives.

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Meadowhall design is so that if it closes as a shopping centre it can be used as a prison (Think about it the width of a prison wing is a fraction of the width of meadowhall )


i have heard that before actuly by someone who worked on the construction of the site how true i dont no but he was very convincing! and he is not the sort to make things up.

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Meadowhall design is so that if it closes as a shopping centre it can be used as a prison (Think about it the width of a prison wing is a fraction of the width of meadowhall )


i have heard that before actuly by someone who worked on the construction of the site how true i dont no but he was very convincing! and he is not the sort to make things up.


And who would let a prison be 1/2 mile from a motoway junction!

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'Pegleg' used to prowl the General Cemetary (Cemetary Road) at night looking for unsuspecting souls to drag into the (then open) crypts. They were never seen again though their cries could be heard occasionally, coming from somewhere deep within the crypt.


'Pegleg' was an officer, ex of the Crimea, who had been blown up by cannon and brought home to Sheff where he was buried. He decided to go walkabout however when his estate and wife were 'confiscated' by a creditor.

Wooooo - still taking shortcuts through the 'cem' then?

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