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Sheffield myths

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I heard this myth that Sheffield council was promoting its self as a really green council, but then i discovered they only recycle paper and cardboard! what a poor effort!up here in Leeds as well as recycling cardboard and paper, they also do cans, and plastic(including plastic bags)

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I heard this myth that Sheffield council was promoting its self as a really green council, but then i discovered they only recycle paper and cardboard! what a poor effort!up here in Leeds as well as recycling cardboard and paper, they also do cans, and plastic(including plastic bags)


Yes but up there in leeds you have you own problems, like been up there in leeds..

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I used to live in the flat on the top of the marples buildings usd to get people coming to me all the time tellimg me stories of the building...


dead bodies or no bodies ... could be proper scary on the unused floors at night too many creeks and bumps for me


there was surely nothing to be afraid of, sugarcandie:- the building you lived in was many years newer than the old building! :wink:


It wasn't built until the 1950s, almost ten years after the original building was destroyed.

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I heard this myth that Sheffield council was promoting its self as a really green council, but then i discovered they only recycle paper and cardboard! what a poor effort!up here in Leeds as well as recycling cardboard and paper, they also do cans, and plastic(including plastic bags)


I was taken on a tour of the incinerator at bernard road, back in my able days, and I can state that tin cans are recycled, they are taken off the conveyor belt by a magnet, and separated out from the rest of the "burnings".

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Here is a common myth, there is apparently a network of underground tunnels that stretch throughout the city, intended to be used in wartime situations for getting from one place to another.


The apparent places these tunnels lead to are:-


Central Library

Town Hall

Hallamshire Hospital

Manor Castle



Whether its true or not I have no idea, but I also heard a rumour that someone found an opening to them in firth park.

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