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Sheffield myths

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Isnt there a myth of a tunnel from Ship Inn to is it somewhere on Castle Markets , is this true ?


---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 00:27 ----------


Meadowhall? wasn't it originally designed as a prison, or something? ;)

*sits back with glass of cola and her popcorn!* :)


Wasnt it also designed to cater for ebola victims ?

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That a lot of people were buried beneath the old Marples building (now HeinGerike) in Fitzalan square, due to being bombed in the blitz. I was told there were so many people in there that night that no one bothered to dig out the bodies, and just buried them, then built over them.


Well that is and is not true. The fact is that most but not all the remains were found. There was nothing left of some of the victims to find. The myth is that they never looked.

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That a lot of people were buried beneath the old Marples building (now HeinGerike) in Fitzalan square, due to being bombed in the blitz. I was told there were so many people in there that night that no one bothered to dig out the bodies, and just buried them, then built over them.


My great Aunt died in that bombing.. from what relatives have told me, apparently everyone went to hide in the cellar when they heard the bomb sirens and when Marples got hit everyone burned because of all the alcohol in the cellar and they couldn't get out..

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My great Aunt died in that bombing.. from what relatives have told me, apparently everyone went to hide in the cellar when they heard the bomb sirens and when Marples got hit everyone burned because of all the alcohol in the cellar and they couldn't get out..


Nasty way to go.

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I was hoping someone could send me or tell me weather or not they got scared into not doing something for the fear of Obe Dyer coming to get them?


It was a fear that went through our family as kids, but I just wanted to know weather or not it was part of Sheffields Myths & Ghost Stories.


Any help would gratefully be received.


Sincerely James



Gosh, that brings back memories !!! :o

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One myth some 'older' folks might still 'dine out' on was that of some kids PASSING the old 11+ exams while the majority went on to be taught at local secondary modern schools. Sorry if it comes as a bit of a shock to some who 'passed' and went on to grammar schools - there was no pass threshold - it was purely a numbers exercise, parental option and in some cases the primary each child sat the two exams at. Simply put if any kid was in a 'lean' year they were accepted into the grammar system (many realising too late the work and pressure was beyond them - struggling and being unhappy as a result)? Obviously if the year was a 'bulge' year many kids who would have done well in the grammar system were condemned from the start, probably leaving with no or little qualification. Add to this the kids who were on request of parents allowed to re-sit, some parents who couldn't cope with the shame, appealing and winning. Some fair system that was don't you think??:loopy:

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One myth some 'older' folks might still 'dine out' on was that of some kids PASSING the old 11+ exams while the majority went on to be taught at local secondary modern schools. Sorry if it comes as a bit of a shock to some who 'passed' and went on to grammar schools - there was no pass threshold - it was purely a numbers exercise, parental option and in some cases the primary each child sat the two exams at. Simply put if any kid was in a 'lean' year they were accepted into the grammar system (many realising too late the work and pressure was beyond them - struggling and being unhappy as a result)? Obviously if the year was a 'bulge' year many kids who would have done well in the grammar system were condemned from the start, probably leaving with no or little qualification. Add to this the kids who were on request of parents allowed to re-sit, some parents who couldn't cope with the shame, appealing and winning. Some fair system that was don't you think??:loopy:


As opposed to now where bright children from poor homes are often condemned to 'Bog standard' comprehensives where they fail to achieve their potential whilst the rich and powerful move to expensive areas to get into the catchment area for the right school or pretend to be religious to get their children into a high quality faith school (Don't they Tony) or pay for expensive private schools even when they are socialist MP's who are dead against the elitism of grammar schools and a superior education (except obviously for their own children).


That's much fairer

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