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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Originally posted by Gazza

the things that winds me up the most when i goto the cinema - is people that whinge about everthing !


Its people that buy food that keep the prices of your ticket down, rember that.


I don't have a problem with people buying food, read my posts, it's eating it in the auditorium that's the problem.


(What I do have a problem with is poor grammar and spelling but that's for another thread.)


Thank you for keeping the ticket prices down but if you, again, read my posts you'd see that I rarely go to the cinema due to it being such a poor experience so it's rather wasted on me, don't you think?

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What shocks me most about this thread, and I don't know if anyone else has picked up on this ...


Is the bullish (we don't care about our customers) attitude of the management (assuming of course, that they actually are who they seem to be).


I would have thought it way more productive to listen to, and take on board people's comments and complaints ... in order to provide a better service.


Just goes to show what I know about management !!


I've been going to the UGC for many years, and it has been going steadily down hill for some time now.

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Originally posted by max

I don't have a problem with people buying food, read my posts, it's eating it in the auditorium that's the problem.


Thank you for keeping the ticket prices down but if you, again, read my posts you'd see that I rarely go to the cinema due to it being such a poor experience so it's rather wasted on me, don't you think?


I wonder if there'd be a market for a cinema with no fast food, a proper restaurant/coffee bar, bigger seats and double-price tickets. I know I'd go if it wasn't going to be full of noisy teens and fidgety, squawking toddlers.

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Originally posted by Strix

I wonder if there'd be a market for a cinema with no fast food, a proper restaurant/coffee bar, bigger seats and double-price tickets. I know I'd go if it wasn't going to be full of noisy teens and fidgety, squawking toddlers.


Don't want to sound like the UGC PR man, but I think they have 'premier' seats which have their own devoted bar and reclining seats. Watching films in more comfort, as you describe, is something that's definitely going to become more widespread I think; look at the Filmworks in Manchester, with their superb private viewing room, for proof.


On the topic of film, if you like indie movies as I do, then the UGC Sheffield is a really good alternative to the Showroom. No real complaints here, but maybe that's because I like to visit at 11.00am on a Sunday morning so I can get a discounted ticket and have the entire auditorium to myself :D

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Jamie- It's easy for you all to slag off cinemanager (and he is a real operations manager at UGC by the way) but do any of you actually have ANY experience of running a cinema?? thought not.


It's all you old fossils that are change resistant. Who the hell wants to have competitions and prizes when you go to watch a film these days?? Go to a sodding fairground for all that!


Greenback- UGC scrapped the prem section years ago. The bar and lounge is now a staff only area ;) and the prem screen are just regular screens, that generally show the more alternative films.


And as for whoever made the stupid comment about more intelligent staff.. what?! The majority of the staff there are university students (you know the people that will run the country when the rest of you retire), or have other jobs elsewhere!


In my experience the customer relations is the best I've seen for a long time, because frankly.. some of the customers are whinging morons who are stuck in the past and make ludicrous complaints every time they come (notice the fact they KEEP coming back as mentioned lots of times before). It is these customers that can take along walk off a short cliff because they are totally unprofitable in every way, and would make all our lives a lot more pleasant by going to live in a cave somewhere.

A lot of the times, it is their own fault that the complaint arose anyway because they couldnt be bothered to get off their arses and tell somebody!


And as for Max's coment on the eating.. oh my god, you want to stop people eating in the screens??? While were at it, we may aswell stop people drinking alcohol in the bar too!

It's a tradition that has survived the decades! Plus most of the noisy eating such as nachos etc is done during the trailers (by the fat people you mentioned.. hmm no discrimination there then?!) and the comment on the avatar.. priceless!!

Anyway the point is- no food=no cinema, as every last one in the country would shut down in a heap of debt. The majority of people want to munch snacks while they watch a film, not while thet are in the foyer!


I think the smell of freshly cooked popcorn is the best thing for the atmosphere!

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It's strange...I love the smell of popcorn, but hate eating the stuff!


Anyway, just as a quick note to all those who have risen up to criticise the PR skills of the management, and the non-caring attitude towards the customers who are 'raising points' that should be taken on board....


The management responded politely to the criticisms from Hotty, despite being called 'dead baboons'. Since then, everyone has jumped on 'cinemamanager' to poke at his responses.


What he said was, at heart, true...cinema is, at the core, about FILM. The experience of going is secondary. The food is overpriced as, at the end of the day, it is a business. UGC show indie films not to 'cash in' on the current wave of popularity of indie....but becasue UGC are a French company, and the French philosophy of 'all product type' was adopted across the chain here. Look at UGC support of the Asian Extreme releases over the past 3 years. Check out who funded Amelie (and also Delicatesen many years before UGC came to this shore). Hopefully, now that UGC have promoted indie and foreign films to a megaplex audience in this country, Cineworld will continue.


To me the customer is vital to the cinema, and I (yes, I too am a UGC-ite) look to make their experience as welcoming as possible. Sometimes it is hard to keep the focus, as we try to chase problem elements around the site (be they screenjumpers, or people who think Self Serve means to literally help yourself). Trust me, we do our utmost to make your experience a good one. We hope all our staff are being pleasant and welcoming, and it is good to see that most of you (even the cirtics who refer to us suited ones as baboons) do think this. We must be doing something right. The team members are our direct point of contact with you, the customer, thus for them to be giving this positive attitude to you can only be a plus.


As Cinemamanager said, if you find a fault, let us know. We aren't scarey, and we do want you to get the best experience from the film you have come to see. Believe it or not, we love films ourselves, and often find ourselves, on our day off, policing screens when we too find some moron with a mobile phone, or that group who always sit on seat W1 to W5 in screen 7 chatting away.


We may look a bit tired and grumpy at times, but we will listen. We probably look that way because we have just thrown out a group of 7 disruptive 17 year olds, and are pondering the death threat we were just given.


Now, don't get me wrong here. Whilst I am kind of upset at some of the jibes at our staff (unintelligent etc), I don't condone the flipside responses made having a go back. That is not what myself, or Cinemamanager, want to happen. It's just a way of forums that people get very hot under the collar, and it is tricky to actually emphasise the emotion you mean behind the comments (Hotty even said that the comments used by himself were not meant sarcastically, it was just the way he speaks). Hence my own signature below (sort of a disclaimer, like those 'any person living or dead' things at the end of films.)


Finally (and I promise, I'll stop typing after this), although it was a shame to see the movie store and restaurant, and even the upstairs Self Serve, go, fact was The Movie Store was overpriced (it couldn't compete with HMV etc) so no one bought anything, and upstairs Self Serve used to take less money than the cost of manning it for the day, so was cut back. I would love to see a restaurant (or coffee bar) replace the old restaurant area, and we have had various parties looking into the space. Fingers crossed (again) that Cineworld will look into it.


This is a time of change (sorry..I know I promised to shut up, but as all my collegues will attest, that's not always easy!) for the cinema, I just hope that over the coming months we can continue to strive to deliver levels of service which are more than acceptable for the majority of you. There will always be people who are never satisfied...that's just a fact of life....but for most of you, we will aim to deliver, just let us know on site if you have any comments (positive or negative).


Many thanks



A quick addition (told ya I never shut up)...I feel that the comment made by Leebo that the majority of customers are whingers was wrong. It feels that way at times, becasue they are the most vocal, but when we have 8000 per day over the weekend, only a small amount will whinge about anything (I assisted 2 today...out of 8000 is a small number). In fact I spoke and chatted, discussing films and having a joke with, much more people over the course of my shift, and find that the majority of our customers are great, and love to chat about what is coming out soon. There are some customers who look out for me when they come in to 'catch up on the latest happenings'.


Anyway...I definitely will stop now...no more editing! I promise ;)

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