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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Originally posted by HottyMcBuff

Okay, the 'baboon' thing was a little harsh.


Are there no disgruntled UGC employees? Does everyone who work there absolutely love it? What about that girl who serves on the cash desk during the day who always looks like she is bored out of her mind?


Ok, so being on during the day can be quite a mind-numbing experience, due to the fact that there usually aren't many staff on to chat too, plus it can be totally dead! If you were sat on the box office all on your lonesome, doing not a lot for 6 hours..wouldn't you look rather bored? lol.

I'm pretty damn sure that pretty much every employee at the UGC really enjoys working there. We have a great team bond & we get along with all our managers exceptionally well, and we are not afraid to let them know if we are unhappy about anything, thus the problem is sorted ASAP & we are all happy bunnies once again!

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Originally posted by HottyMcBuff

Okay, the 'baboon' thing was a little harsh.


Are there no disgruntled UGC employees? Does everyone who work there absolutely love it? What about that girl who serves on the cash desk during the day who always looks like she is bored out of her mind?


As with any job, there are some who are just doing it for the cash, and would get another job at the drop of a hat if it was offered. However, there are quite a large number of us who are committed to the cinema (some would say we should be committed...but that's another story), and a fair number who are not students, and only have this as our only source of income (self included)....and we're not stupid either as most of us are ex-students anyway who found a job that we enjoy.


That girl on the cash desk in the day who looks bored out of her mind possibly is, as we get hardly any customers in the day. We'll try to get her to smile more....I promise ;) She may look bored, but she's really friendly if you chat to her. I promise...she doesn't bite.



Cheers to Snook for e-mailing our customer services. Hopefully they will take note when you said that they 'couldn't give a rats ass about film' and should pay us better wages to get better staff. I could do with a payrise. Bills to pay and stuff.

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Originally posted by Beakerzoid

Cheers to Snook for e-mailing our customer services. Hopefully they will take note when you said that they 'couldn't give a rats ass about film' and should pay us better wages to get better staff. I could do with a payrise. Bills to pay and stuff.


I bet you could do with a payrise in that job. I'm sure that they live in the real world and accept that they don't really care about film, but rather money. That's why it isn't good business to **** off the customers.

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Working at UGC sounds like one big party! :banana:


Guess six hours sat behind a till would depress the cheeriest of us. Know that she is happy in real life because if you make smalltalk at the till, she smalltalks back and you can have a bit of a giggle. We were chatting to another girl at cash desk the other night and she kept making mistakes cos she was v tired. Had a bit of a joke with her and she perked up and gave us tickets to The Life Aqautic preview tomorrow. Very nice young lady indeed.


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Originally posted by HottyMcBuff

Working at UGC sounds like one big party! :banana:


Guess six hours sat behind a till would depress the cheeriest of us. Know that she is happy in real life because if you make smalltalk at the till, she smalltalks back and you can have a bit of a giggle. We were chatting to another girl at cash desk the other night and she kept making mistakes cos she was v tired. Had a bit of a joke with her and she perked up and gave us tickets to The Life Aqautic preview tomorrow. Very nice young lady indeed.



Think I know who you were talking about there. I'll tell her you said she was nice.


Let us know what you think of Life Aquatic...I'm watching it on Wednsesday. (Really looking forward to it)

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Originally posted by Beakerzoid

Think I know who you were talking about there. I'll tell her you said she was nice.


Let us know what you think of Life Aquatic...I'm watching it on Wednsesday. (Really looking forward to it)


Yeah looks good. Rushmore is one of my v fave films ever.


Also, what you said earlier about Asain Extreme films - I did bring that up earlier in thread as a major plus point for your cinema chain. Shame they are not more popular and /or publicised as, especially recently, some of the best films around have orginated in the far east or South Korea (Old Boy rocked! - 'What I am isn't important. WHY is important.' arrrggghhh the geek in me is breaking out!!! :twisted:

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Yay...someone who saw Rushmore! It astounds me how many people didn't see this gem of a film. It is our duty to make them watch it!


All foreign films suffer from the attitude of "I'm not bloody reading a book!" which we get a lot of the time. The hassle Hero caused was stunning! People saw the 'Quentin Tarantino Presents' and then were astounded when we said it was subtitled!


We try to publicise them as much as we can, but are limited by the support from the distributers of said films who (due to them only seeming to have a limited audience) are reluctant to spend too much to promote them. They hope that word of mouth will bring people in.


It's their loss, I suppose, as people like that can only have the US versions of The Ring and The Grudge, and will never see what the REAL versions are like.


Speaking of The Grudge...Grudge 2 (Japanese) is due out over here in a few months. Fingers crossed we will be showing it! Also The Eye 2 should be heading our way in the spring.

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My main point was that if you employed more staff (which they need) took on full time staff (not just mainly p/t) and paid a higher wage you would get people who cared about their job a lot more.


Let's be frank, clearing up all that horrible food off the floor of a cinema in the 2 minutes they have to do it is a horrible job. Sitting at a ticket desk with hundreds queueing and dealing with ignoarant and obnoxious customers at times (yes, someone asked what The Passion ofn Christ was about) is a cack job.


I'd personally love to go and watch indie/foreign films there (the screens are far superior to the Showroom) but the problem is I wont chance it. With the £9.99 card you get randoms in films have'nt a clue what they are about (people getting upset becasue Supersize Me was a documentary for example)


I will not risk a film being ruined by kids or morons because I know that if any appear in a foreign film and don't like it they wont just leave. They will sit there and talk and play with their mobiles for the entire film. (Or in the case of Bandits leave with 30 minutes to go because a lot of people were going to kick their heads in)


This is a problem with UGC. Because it's a big consumerist exercise in getting large numbers into the best screens in Sheffied you attract the clientele you do not want. Due to the UGC monthly thing you get a lot of little scallies going because it's free (after the card has been payed for)


I hate going to watch films there (as I do the Odeon too) becasue my film often get ruined or spoiled by idiots. Now the big problem for me is that the people who talk in movies are not just opne defined group. I find that several different groups tend to be prone to talking including girls, chavs and students.


See a lot of my gripes with UGC would be the same with any large cinema complex. People don't seem to have any respect these days and therefore feel that they can talk or chatter through films. It is a lack of manners, common sense and respect.


As for the response of Cinemaster. My problem with it is that he was telling us what we shoudl believe. Making him in my book incapable of being good at his job. The art of customer management is listening and acting upon concerns. It is not lecturing your client's on what they should think.


And as for UGC employing a lot of students and therefore having good staff. Very funny. A lot of students would be the last people they'd want working p/t for them. In fact, a lot of large companies will not employ students straight out of uni now.


Most of UGC staff are helpful and a few are knowledgeable. However, imo, The Showroom staff are much more articulate, friendly and helpful. UGC does not seem to care about having good staff members or training people properly. I suppose it is a lot of money to spend on a high staff turnover.


Complaining customers seem to be the minority. There are the scumbags (sex in films, urinating in cups etc) and parents who let their kids eat sweats until they are sick. Often the problem is that they wont complain during a film to get the problem sorted out.


But, the suggestion that UGC cares about FILM more than money considerations is garbage imo. If that were the case they would not sell food (or allow it in a cinema)

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Originally posted by robbie

And as for UGC employing a lot of students and therefore having good staff. Very funny. A lot of students would be the last people they'd want working p/t for them. In fact, a lot of large companies will not employ students straight out of uni now.


Why is it funny that UGC employ students??? I personally am a student and I see myself as one of the most dedicated and diligent people there. I seem to recall debating this point with you before Robbie: being a student doesn't immediately make us a bunch of skyvers and morons, there are some of us that are and some that aren't!!! FYI, the people that are the slackest on my department (naming no names) tend to be the veteran workers at UGC, and Sheffield natives!!!


On to another point you made...


"Often the problem is that they wont complain during a film to get the problem sorted out."


This is exactly right!!! If there is a problem in the screen or anywhere in the cinema, customers only have to inform a member of staff and it will be sorted. Whether this be a technical/projection issue (which I assure you is nowhere near 70% of the time Hotty), people talking in screens, or a messy toilet. No customer complaint is ignored, and if a team member can't deal with it, a manager will be radioed to deal with it.

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Originally posted by Leebo84

Why is it funny that UGC employ students??? I personally am a student and I see myself as one of the most dedicated and diligent people there. I seem to recall debating this point with you before Robbie: being a student doesn't immediately make us a bunch of skyvers and morons, there are some of us that are and some that aren't!!! FYI, the people that are the slackest on my department (naming no names) tend to be the veteran workers at UGC, and Sheffield natives!!!


On to another point you made...


"Often the problem is that they wont complain during a film to get the problem sorted out."


This is exactly right!!! If there is a problem in the screen or anywhere in the cinema, customers only have to inform a member of staff and it will be sorted. Whether this be a technical/projection issue (which I assure you is nowhere near 70% of the time Hotty), people talking in screens, or a messy toilet. No customer complaint is ignored, and if a team member can't deal with it, a manager will be radioed to deal with it.


Don't mind them, it's the "thing" on here to slag off and generally hate students :loopy:


I however don't hate students, having been one myself in the past.

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