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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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I imagine one of the major gripes people have with UGC is (usually) youngsters who have the unlimited pass and will watch anything as an excuse for getting together with their friends ...


They do not seem at all interested in 'FILM'. Only in being disruptive and making noise and doing what they can to spoil it for the rest of us.


Why don't you employ someone to go in to the auditorium and sit on the back seat (dressed as general public) ... just to keep an eye out for trouble makers and make sure they're either hushed up OR escorted from the premises by security and have their passes revoked.


Not being disruptive should also be part of the T&C's for the passes.

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in theory a great idea but in practice not very practical!!! working on 20 screens showing simultaneously from 9am till 11pm (for arguments sake), that would be a hell of a lot of manpower for what you're actually getting out of it!!!


but yes i agree with you about people being noisy and disruptive!!!it is very difficult to police it coz when we check the screens, it's impossible to hear people talking over the noise of the film and they also tend to shut up when they see a member of staff walk in. if only people came out and made a complaint about them to the ticket-tearer, it would be sorted!!!

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We do try to spot the potential problem elements prior to them going into the films, however it isn't always that easy as they don't always look like the a-typical problem element.


If you are sat in a screen, whilst the ads or trailers are on, and notice that a griup seem a little..disruptive, then pop out and let us know then and we can identify where they are, and will even issue the one and only warning before the main film to them. This way we know where to look when checking the screen, and will not hesitate to remove them if they are a problem.


We are here to help you enjoy your film going experience. We would love to man each screen, but as mentioned above, it isn't really practical. As I mentioned earlier I (and other staff) will police screens on our days off when we are trying to watch films ourselves. As film lovers we know what irritates you...it irritates us too.


In response to cyclone....yeah, I agree that if everyone prebooked then we would save money (or redirect it to maybe do what was mentioned above). When that day comes, it will be a blessing as we would be able to see our foyer once in a while! Can't see it happening though. But, yeah, makes sense.

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But that way, we lose all the customers that like to pop in randomly on their way home from work or because they are in the area. Then there is the people that decide what film to watch when they get there and see what's on and at what time. I doubt it would work well to be honest.


I think intimidation works well with the troublesome youths... I was once working in non-uniform (got dragged in when went to watch a film) and some one came out to complain so I went and sat on the back row and just stared at them. They noticed me staring at them, and the radio in my hand and they just... shut up. Didn't have any more complaints after that



Also if there is a few of us stood and a group come past, the odd glare lets them know that hey will be out if they start.. but it shouldn't have to come to this

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I'm sure it is practical to do so (have a non-uniformed member of staff in the auditorium) ... it really boils down to economics ...


Would the benefit of policing the screens justify the cost !?


I can't answer that for you, but I think it certainly would be very good for customer relations ... which has to be a good thing.




A better (cheaper) idea would be to have someone in each auditorium for the first 10 mins of each film, but this time they should be able to asses if there's going to be any trouble or not.


If it looks like there will be, you can deal with it as you see best, if looks ok, the 'snoop' could just go on to the next film ...

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Well apparently when floor was run by another manager, when a performance started staff used to walk up and down the aisles and just tell people to turn the phones off, stop talking etc and that worked well, but on a friday/saturday night we simply can't spare for staff to do that in every performance

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Credit where its due,...


Myself and Hotty went to see Million Dollar Baby last night and it was a great visit to the cinema. Short queue for ticket. No limb amputation on door. Got good seats. Rest of audience seemed to be as involved in the film as I was. It was great. Even the adverts before the film were not shown (straight to trailers). Thought that only happened on previews.


And it was a great film. Twice as good as aviator.


But the escalator was broken!!!! ;)

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