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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Interruptions can be fun - when sitting in the front row at a packed showing of The Incredibles @ UGC recently, my 3-year-old daughter shouted out "hey Rowan, I wanted some of that drink but you finished it" she got nearly as big a laugh out of the audience as any of the jokes in the film (which was one of my best of 2004, BTW). And I even appreciated the joker who kept on shouting "onetwothreefour" during the Ramones film at the Showroom documentary festival.


But the type of interruptions more usual from the chavs at UGC I can live without. (My wife is banned from the Odeon in town since to the time she thought it would be a good idea to take a party of young offenders to see Lord of the Rings. Apologies to the other members of the audience who were showered with cinema-snacks and abuse).


My 2p-worth: I think UGC do a pretty good job on the whole. The projection isn't quite up to the standards of the Showroom (but is in a totally different league from the dire Odeon), but the seating & legroom are excellent: I'm 6-foot tall, which isn't that out of the ordinary, but at the Showroom I find myself having to curl up, stick my legs over the back of the seat in front, or sit by the aisle at an angle and watch all of the film sideways, ending the night with a crick in my neck.


Oh, and I'm sure that when I went to see Amelie @ UGC a few years back, I found myself in some cinema to the right of the main entrance, all decked out in pink and with king-sized armchairs. But that was probably some Jeunet-style hallucination, as I've never been in there before or since.


The food, of course, is horrendously overpriced but it's my own stupid fault for getting suckered into buying some every time I go. Actually, it's my own stupid fault for having kids, who then nag me into buying the overpriced food every time I go. And the overpriced drinks.


Oh, but whoever decided you're only allowed one dip with the nachos unless you supersize them ought to be taken out and shot.


Ditto the person who decided to install the revolving doors: trying to get through them with small kids, when there's some mainac behind you desperate to get into the cinema, is almost as bad as trying to herd a class of nursery kids across the Parkway. Who cares if a bit of cold air leaks into the foyer? At least it's warm in the cinemas (but not too warm, thank god: every time I go to the Odeon I end up falling asleep halfway through the film because it's like the tropics in there).


Finally on digital projection: my head says yes but my heart isn't sure. A while ago, I tried out Atom Films' Hi-Def player and was amazed that one of the things which made these films seem more real than anything I'd ever seen before on my computer screen was the fact that there were little crackles and scratches on there. I think I'd miss that if everything were filmed (sorry, videod) and projected digitally. But only because I'm used to it, I'm sure that the next generation won't be in the least bit bothered.

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To serapis: Have you been to easy cinema?? I watched a documentary on it and if it hasn't shut down already, it soon will. None of the major film distributors will let them have any films (so no blockbusters there then) and apparently theres no atmosphere and is not a very nice place to sit in for 2 hours! Plus, all that orange?? I'd be sick :o


People still keep getting at projection! Our projectors are knocking on a bit now! they still have Virgin logos on the side! Old things aren't always as reliable (remember the Showroom is fairly new). Obviously we have technical difficulties, but when people start calling the projectionists themselves 'incompetent', thats totally unfair.


JonJparr, I assume the graphics will change with all the branding and such (apparently in about a year's time), but if you were been sarcastic about the sit back relax.. comment, I'm not rising to it :D


If you want to complain abou pre-booking services, contact head office, or even the other company involved. You could take a leaf out of Snoooook's book and email customer services :hihi:

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Originally posted by JonJParr

I've got a couple of questions for UGC employees... you're currently undergoing corporate rebranding (if I'd heard it on the grapevine correctly) - are you planning to change the pre-feature graphics (eg. Sit, back, relax....) to reflect this anytime soon?


Additionally, both my girlfriend and I have UGC Unlimited cards. To pre-book we have to ring a 25p a minute booking line and can only book one ticket per phone call. Though having to pay 75p per booking is annoying I am now aware this facility is outsourced and can understand your reason for having to charge. What I fail to understand is UGC's logic. How do I book two tickets at once? Assuming I go to the cinema with my girlfriend we usually want to sit together. Tell me how I do that without having to make a trip all the way to UGC earlier in the day? Furthermore, why can I only do this at the Box Office on the day of the performance? Your policies are a bit unreasonable.


Re: the 'sit back, relax..' It will probably change to whatever Cineworld use (can anyone let me know?)


Re: Unlimited card. The card, when introduced, caused a bit of controversy with the distributers. They saw that if people spent £10 per month, and saw a film each day, how would they get their %age of the box office? Obviously they would prefer more full price tickets (bigger cut of the cash), so restrictions had to be agreed on. The one chosen was the pre-booking restriction (can only get them on the day of show).

The Unlimited booking line....I'd love to help, but I really do understand your problem. Unfortunately, all we can do is feed back these queries, and hope that a new system will be adopted. Sorry.

Rest assured that even staff members can't pre-book tickets, and have to come in on the day of the show and queue. We don't abuse our privilidge (was that spelt correctly? Probably not).



In addition, re Easycinema in Milton Keynes. No box office staff, just machines. You are asked to tidy your own mess up, hence hardly any staff. Still some resistance from some distributers, so can't get all the films.

For those people who want the experience as well as the film, it isn't an option. If you just want to go to a room to watch a film...then it's fine. I don't dispute that. Personally, as a film goer that would suit me to a tee (I always clean up after myself), although I would miss the assistance in choosing a film by asking the person serving what is worth seeing.

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Originally posted by AndyC123

JonJparr, I assume the graphics will change with all the branding and such (apparently in about a year's time), but if you were been sarcastic about the sit back relax.. comment, I'm not rising to it :D


I wasn't being sarcastic at all, it was a genuine query.

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You have a very rare opportunity to get some unbiased customer feedback and the best you can do is tell me to email customer services.


Nah - i'll just go to blockbusters, your loss (as a company).


Originally posted by AndyC123

To serapis: Have you been to easy cinema?? I watched a documentary on it and if it hasn't shut down already, it soon will. None of the major film distributors will let them have any films (so no blockbusters there then) and apparently theres no atmosphere and is not a very nice place to sit in for 2 hours! Plus, all that orange?? I'd be sick :o


People still keep getting at projection! Our projectors are knocking on a bit now! they still have Virgin logos on the side! Old things aren't always as reliable (remember the Showroom is fairly new). Obviously we have technical difficulties, but when people start calling the projectionists themselves 'incompetent', thats totally unfair.


JonJparr, I assume the graphics will change with all the branding and such (apparently in about a year's time), but if you were been sarcastic about the sit back relax.. comment, I'm not rising to it :D


If you want to complain abou pre-booking services, contact head office, or even the other company involved. You could take a leaf out of Snoooook's book and email customer services :hihi:

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Originally posted by Cyclone

You have a very rare opportunity to get some unbiased customer feedback and the best you can do is tell me to email customer services.


Nah - i'll just go to blockbusters, your loss (as a company).


I think he was just pointing out that only they have the power to make changes to the booking service. I apologise for the way it was stated. I, myself, have tried to answer your queries, and pointed out that the most we can do re: booking service is feed back your comments. That doesn't mean we don't want to hear them at all. I would prefer someone to question an issue with us first so we can try to help the understanding of the "Why?" of it.



To dan

Oh, and I'm sure that when I went to see Amelie @ UGC a few years back, I found myself in some cinema to the right of the main entrance, all decked out in pink and with king-sized armchairs. But that was probably some Jeunet-style hallucination, as I've never been in there before or since.


Nope...they still exist. They are screens 19 and 20, what used to be the £10 per ticket Premier Screens. They are normal price now and are used for short run, limited audience films, or big releases at the end of their run (Incredibles and Team America have made it there over the past 2 weeks).


Keep a look out for them when you are in....there's nothing like reclining in a comfy chair whilst watching a film.

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Originally posted by Beakerzoid

Nope...they still exist. They are screens 19 and 20, what used to be the £10 per ticket Premier Screens. They are normal price now and are used for short run, limited audience films, or big releases at the end of their run (Incredibles and Team America have made it there over the past 2 weeks).


Damn! I was at UGC to see Team America on Monday night, but it was in screen 1, which was very good on the legroom front but still not as plush as those pink armchairs. Also, the sound didn't seem to be quite as good as usual, is it only stereo in there rather than surround?

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Originally posted by Beakerzoid

Nope...they still exist. They are screens 19 and 20, what used to be the £10 per ticket Premier Screens. They are normal price now and are used for short run, limited audience films, or big releases at the end of their run (Incredibles and Team America have made it there over the past 2 weeks).


Keep a look out for them when you are in....there's nothing like reclining in a comfy chair whilst watching a film.



I thought these were fantastic seats and decided to start only watching films shown in these seats! However, on my 2nd visit I had to move 4 times before finding a working and clean seat!!

Some chairs didn't have handles, some had handles that were broken, some had food on them from previously (nice!). Luckily there were only 6 of us in the theatre otherwise i would have complained... better of sticking to the main screens if I were you! :rant:

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