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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Originally posted by Micky

I wish they would use digital projectors to get rid of those annoying flickers and occasional "blobs" on the screen.


Also sometimes the food area is very sticky under foot, parking is insufficent at peak times and they do not have enough ticket people at busy times resulting in a large queue.


Other than that, UGC is pretty good.


People get funny about vintage marks though, like getting comfort from the pop and crackle of an old record with yer pipe and slippers.


So pardon me for getting technical but if you had a digital projector and dur.. a digital movie, a picture expanded so much as to fill a cinema wall would get pixelated instead of grainy.. i'll take the grain!

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the one thing that annoys me is that they charge more if you book online.

it saves them money damn it. They need less staff on tills, the experience is more pleasant for everyone as the queuing time is shorter. Why should I pay 50p more when it benefits them as much as me?

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Originally posted by HottyMcBuff

ps. I don't read Mr Men, maybe you could lend me your copy.


sure thing im selling them on ebay as we type!!


be quick though you dont want to miss out!! :loopy:


let me see which one suits you... mr grumpy :|

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Hi Iffypop,


A digital movie for use in large screen display is stored on special servers as there is so much information that has to be displayed (terrabytes). There is absolutley no pixelation.


If you were to compare side by side 35mm film reel against digital, people would choose digital every time.


Also with digital, the high cost of film prints (circa $3000 each) is eliminated as films can be distributed by sattelite. The cost of high end digital cinema projectors is still quite high but I reckon in 10 years we will all be watching digital cinema.


I appreciate that you may not know much about this and I have something of an inside track on it.

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I think UGC is top dog!

  • Plenty of parking (maybe not infront of the place, but I've never failed to get a spot somewhere in Centertainment!)
  • Showings on very often
  • Cinemas always clean
  • Plenty of leg and arm room (I went to Warner Village the other day and was much more cramped)
  • Sometimes big queues but I still never wait longer than 3 or 4 minutes to get my tickets!


The food and drink prices are quite expensive.. but that's my only complaint!


The reason it's so busy is because it's a big, successful cinema and if you think you're going to find a cinema equally as good (and as easy to get to) that has less people going to it- Think again!



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I keep reading about people with/without UGC cards complaining about UGC.


I have to say this..... people who has the UGC card cancel it and

go somewhere else!! People who hasnt got the card, go to the other cinemas!!


I dont understand why people complain about it and keep going back?!


I have the UGC card and i have no problems with them. Cardholders get priority queuing which is so good when you see the BIG queue at the door!We get discount vouchers for food and drinks. The screens are big and the seating are spacious.


Yes the food is abit on the expensive side..but you can just take your own snacks with you.

Never had problems with the toilets but if its smelly or disgusting tell a supervisor or manager who is always around. Yes i know we shouldnt have to inform them but if we (the customers) make the managers aware of the problem,then they should have the staff more on top of it.

About the revolving doors....its sooo much faster just to go out the normal door ;)


Has anyone been to the UGC cinemas in London?:gag:

I went to one..my gawd it was awful! sticky floor, small screens, dingy :gag:


well rant over!!! :D

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Originally posted by Cyclone

the one thing that annoys me is that they charge more if you book online.

it saves them money damn it. They need less staff on tills, the experience is more pleasant for everyone as the queuing time is shorter. Why should I pay 50p more when it benefits them as much as me?


Buy a student ticket, you pick them up from the machine and they don't check if you have a card or not. You can always blag it and say you have forgotten it if challenged.

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