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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Originally posted by funkyukgal

In which bit of the post did it make you make the assumption i was *hounding* the staff?


Sorry Funky, I know I quoted your post but wasn't specifically referring to you as a 'hounder': Just commenting about hounders in general - what DanSumption about staff being in the 'frontline' and getting blamed for company policy is totally true! It doesn't just happen on Self Serve, it happens elsewhere such as the Coke machines on the top floor ( Screens 12-18 ): the ticket-tearer up there gets the blame for the machine swallowing the customer's money and UGC not being able to do refunds as the vending machine is actually run by another company!


I was working up there a few weeks back on a Saturday evening around 8pm (if you've been at that time you'll know it's absolutely heaving) and a sold-out screening of Meet the Fockers was still showing in Screen 7 when a guy came up about 40 minutes early. I politely notified him that he wouldn't be able to go in for another 40 mins so he may want to go to the bar or wait around upstairs until then. After 20 minutes when the 700-odd people still hadn't come out of the screen, he proceeded to start having a go at me for the length of time he'd been waiting to go in!! What did he want me to do, ask the whole of Screen 7 to leave so he could sit down??? It wasn't as if I'd kept it a secret form him how long he had to wait!! (NB: I'm not saying everyone is like that - just a very small minority!!)


Another time, a couple were seriously puzzled as to why I wouldn't let them in to see Closer (an 18, and a very rude one at that) with their 3-yr old toddler. The guy was extremely intimidating and threatening: to the point that I had to call a manager over! It's not just company policy about film ratings - it's the Law!!! Nowadays, if you let an under-age person into a film, it's the individual who allows that minor into the screen that gets fined!! So to allow that gentleman to take his toddler into an extremely sexually-explicit 18-rated film, I could've received a discplinary and even a £1000 fine!! Not likely methinks!!


Rant over...

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Originally posted by robbie

cheese on hotdogs!!!! you freak:D


Oh come on...from burger van order a large hotdog with cheese and fried onions then ketchup is to die for!! yummy


Or home version...hotdog with cheese, fried onions topped with coleslaw and potatoe salad mmmmm :D


again im no freak :suspect::D

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Originally posted by Leebo84

I was working up there a few weeks back on a Saturday evening around 8pm (if you've been at that time you'll know it's absolutely heaving) and a sold-out screening of Meet the Fockers was still showing in Screen 7 when a guy came up about 40 minutes early. I politely notified him that he wouldn't be able to go in for another 40 mins so he may want to go to the bar or wait around upstairs until then. After 20 minutes when the 700-odd people still hadn't come out of the screen, he proceeded to start having a go at me for the length of time he'd been waiting to go in!! What did he want me to do, ask the whole of Screen 7 to leave so he could sit down??? It wasn't as if I'd kept it a secret form him how long he had to wait!! (NB: I'm not saying everyone is like that - just a very small minority!!)


In this instance I would have to agree with you Leebo. From what you've said it was entirely the man's fault. I bet you wish you could tell people to "F*** off" sometimes don't you?


Originally posted by Leebo84

Another time, a couple were seriously puzzled as to why I wouldn't let them in to see Closer (an 18, and a very rude one at that) with their 3-yr old toddler. The guy was extremely intimidating and threatening: to the point that I had to call a manager over! It's not just company policy about film ratings - it's the Law!!! Nowadays, if you let an under-age person into a film, it's the individual who allows that minor into the screen that gets fined!! So to allow that gentleman to take his toddler into an extremely sexually-explicit 18-rated film, I could've received a discplinary and even a £1000 fine!! Not likely methinks!!


I've seen Closer (and think it's fantastic by the way) and would say it would be totally unacceptable to 'allow' a minor see it, let alone 'take' them to see it. You were entirely right to uphold the law! Film ratings are there for a reason, unfortunately some people don't exercise (or have) any common sense.


In a service industry the employees delivering the service are always going to receive comments and bear the brunt of disgruntled customers anger. All you can do, particularly in the case of the Nacho : Salsa & Dip fiasco is apologise but unfortunately most people will not be appeased by this. The logic behind such an "efficiency" cost-saving is ill thought and rather ridiculous. But at the end of the day UGC's nacho customers will demonstrate their anger at such a folly policy by not purchasing them. Maybe then, senior managers will see the error of their ways.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

I bet you wish you could tell people to "F*** off" sometimes don't you?


LOL summat along those lines, yes!!!


I wasn't sure about Closer - I made the mistake of taking a rather conservative lass to see it (being unaware of the nature of the film). It was particularly strange to hear Julia Roberts talking about such sexually-explicit things!! lol


But yes, very irresponsible taking a 3 yr-old to see it!! His argument was that the kid was too young to understand what they were saying in the film - I just hope he doesn't subject his kid to such rudeness at home!!

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Originally posted by RPG

Hotdog with Cheese is really nice.


Herta used to sell them pre-made for you in a microwavable package :( Sadly no longer.


Hotdogs are disgusting! Herta hotdogs are 31% fat! What else is in them? Amongst other things water, lactose, milk proteins, albumen, di and polyphosphates and sodium nitrite. Why would you want to eat food like that?

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Originally posted by AndyC123

But do you got to Ford and say I'd like this mondeo half black and half metallic azure blue? No, and even if you did want that they probably wouldn't make it for ya.


Ok, now you're bordering on the ridiculous. It's a food item. Let's compare it with other foods:


If you went into a restaurant, or a takeaway and asked for a minor change to a standard dish, how many places do you think would turn you down? Very few I'd say - they'd rather have your custom. I'm even offering to pay more!


I'm not blaming any of the staff on the counter, I'm just after a decent answer/compromise.


Lets not forget, up until 4 months ago, they happily served half and half for the past 3 years.

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Originally posted by AndyC123

The department was at one point getting through ridiculous amounts of cheese which I think is why they have had to cut back, but at the end of the day: the nachos come in packets and are microwaved.








(Beakerzoid: :help: )


Sorry...been away for the weekend....


Re: The great cheese/salsa/whatever debate. It is my understanding that we were making quite substantial losses on said products, which we were discovering when the fortnightly stock checks were being made. (a few hundred quid at best going 'missing', at worst almost a grand a fortnight.) The chances of this loss being down to theft was minimal (can't see staff running out with tins of jalapenos for some reason ;) ), so it was looked at as a potential portion control issue. Since the 'choose your topping' policy was introduced, we have seen a hige improvement in the 'loss of stock'


Now I'm not saying it is fair. Heck, I like cheese on hotdogs too (or salsa and jalapenos), or a mix of nacho toppings, but unfortunately losses need to be explained...and for us to tell our head office that "We just gove the customers more" wasn't seen as a good excuse.


We have requested for a button for the tills to put through extra portions, and I can see from the responses above that even if there was a nominal charge for this then a lot of you would be willing to pay.


Regards splitting it half and half....tricky to measure accurately, and the 'guesswork' involved will result in more lossage.


Like I said, we would love to get a process in place to allow you the choice of multiple toppings...we are simply awaiting a system. As much as i would love to say to each of you here that I would let you have it your way when you come in, I would also be obliged to let the other 30,000 visitors each week to have the same....which adds up to a lot of stock loss once more.


Our hands...at present....are tied, and I apologise for the upset it causes. Sorry.

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Originally posted by JonJParr

Hotdogs are disgusting! Herta hotdogs are 31% fat! What else is in them? Amongst other things water, lactose, milk proteins, albumen, di and polyphosphates and sodium nitrite. Why would you want to eat food like that?


I dont care whats in them, they taste lovely!


Not a patch on Bratwerst though, im sure theres something wrong with those as well.

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At last... a semi-reasonable response - thanks Beakerzoid. A couple of things:


1) a few hundred quids worth of stock going missing, all in the form of salsa or cheese sauce! Wow - you sure you're not paying too much for it from your suppliers?



Originally posted by Beakerzoid

Regards splitting it half and half....tricky to measure accurately, and the 'guesswork' involved will result in more lossage.


How about I purchase two serving spoons, each half the volume of the large ones you currently use, and donate them to UGC cinemas? This would then eliminate the "guesswork" involved in providing 1/2 portions.


I'm not joking by the way... I REALLY like cheese and salsa on my Nachos.

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