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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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I should point out some of these problems seem to have been resolved. There's been a staff reshuffle, I believe.

Not had to say anything about projection over over last 10 weeks bar Downfall [see priorpost]. Only been 5-6 times due to being very busy though.

Saw SIn City yesterday in Screen 6 and it was absolutely pin sharp across the whole screen, which was just as well as the photography and art direction was quite stunning. Shame about everything else - mind numbingly awful voice overs and dialogue that was so 'on the nose' Pinnochio would have been put to shame.

I had a conversation with Chief Projectionist a while back and although he was defensive to start with he was also frustrated by things like no masking [uGC won't stump up for it]. Sometimes it is the actual print that is poor quality, we inherit the prints that have already done the rounds in the States. That's why we usually have to wait to see a film here.

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Well, granted, I haven't had any problems in the last few weeks, though a friend of mine did have an unscheduled 15 minute interval during a midnight showing of Star Wars ep3 due to projection problems, presumably when switching reels. I'm guessing that as it was "opening night" they only just got the prints and made a mistake in rushing to get everything set up.

Let's hope things continue to improve, as there is no better place to see a blockbuster film due to the excellent facilities. I read the other day that they've got a grant to install digital projectors (to aid the cheap distribution of independent films) so things should get even better.

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Two DPs I believe - it was mentioned earlier in thread.

Though having two projectors runing side by side [one digital, one 35mm] means one or both will be off centre and then there will be focusing problems, unless some correction is made.

The Showroom has a dual projector set up in one of the smaller screens and has focussing issues as a reult.

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I shouldn't have posted saying the projection has improved, 2 out of 3 films I've seem simce have had problems.

One film wasn't exactly sharp, shall we say. I mentioned this to staff b4 fim started and they notified projection. Focus remained vague. My girlfriend went and complained after film had started. I then had to complain yet again and two members of staff came in and looked at film inc a manager who stood there for a while [waiting in vain for projection to actually do something?] and it still looked as if it was filmed thru a beer bottle. Not entirely sure why some people get paid a wage.

And if we thought dialogue was bad in Sin City, it was Shakespearian in comparison to Star War Ep3. Jaw droppingly awful. Couldn't even be impressed at the special effects dure to the poor focus

Next day we saw HHGTG and focus was sorted [without prompting] at start of film, hurrah. Unfortunately film was out of rack and the tops of head were missing throughout film. It was in screen 19 and the actual top part of image was on top of set back section above screen. At the end credits, a whole line of text could be read on the ceiling/wall bit.


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In all cinemas they seem to have a slap happy attitude to projection. CHECK. its really easy. One person in at the beginning. No problem then leave.


It shows how liTtle cineams value films and their customers.

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Thats the problem, a film reel is 20 minutes long, thats how often screens should be checked. It doubles up checking the focus, sound, and bratty kids that annoy everyone that should be kicked out!!


Because UGC projectors all have computers setting them off at the right times they tend to get left for the day and it's oonly when someone offers to miss 5 mins to complain that they get checked.

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Robbie, checking is only any good if the person checking can actually tell if there is a problem. Plus when standing at sides in some screens it's too acute an angle to see screen correctly

A UGC chappie sat in on a film after I complained twice and then the film went totally out of focus [ it looked as if projector had steamed up].

I had to ask staff chap 'how bad does it have to be b4 you do something?' and only then did he go looking for someone tpo sort it out. Film had to be stopped on this occasion to sort out problem, so not eaxactly a minor focussing issue.

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hey just bin readin thru some of these and i have to say i am shocked that a lot of u cud complain about UGC! its the best one in Sheff!!! odeon is crap and is in town and UGC takes me half an hour to get there so its convenient as well!! its got more leg room than i know wot to do with and is better than the one at Meadowhall where there are just chavs, chavs and more chavs there plus i cnt feel my legs afterwards cos they havnt bin able to move cos u cnt!! so dont knock it! i have an unlimited card and its the best thing i eva did! i go there all the time and thers so many films on! plus a lot of em are on later altho i wud like them to extend their film times to get evn more late showings. i do have to say tho that the food is too expensive and they shud drop their prices. plus people under 18 shud be able to get served at their restaurant cos i was ther with my frends in the day time and there was 3 of us(about a year ago) and we wanted to get sumthing to eat and they wudnt serve us cos we werent 18! i mean it was food for goodness sake!not alcohol! but apart from that its really gud!!!

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wathced Batman at 2.30 today at Odeon. There was a slight sound problem all through it (but no real problem) However towards the end the left side of the screen went out of focu. watched the credits and still out of focus. too late on to complain. Would that be a digital/normal projector probelm?

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