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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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The new revolving doors might not be the best thing in the world, but at least they help keep the foyer warmer - there was nothing worse than waiting for your mates to arrive and freezing your nadgers off because some chav kept walking in and out the same door, seemingly just to keep it open as long as possible.


The ticket queues do get very long, but what do you expect in a 20-screen complex? They always (in my experience) put plenty of people on the tills to cope with the demand.


My only real gripe is that it takes ages to be served at the food counters. There are never enough people on there at busy times, and those who are there are rarely very quick. Although I guess that could be because of the inevitable awkward customers who always end up being there just before me... :)

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I went this morning and it seems that those pesk revolving doors have bitten the dust. They were all taped up and folded up to one side.........maybe someone lost an arm in there or something.......?!


You're right about the old layout it used to be freezing........


Has anybody ever got parked in front of the place? I was there at 10:30 this morning and it was still full.......Does everybody who works at the centretainment drive to work?!

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Someone i know was going through those revolving doors and someone behind had pushed them hard, the glass hit the back of his heel and the door frame etc fell off! haha, probably a health and safety risk aswell as daft!!

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Originally posted by theimposter

I went this morning and it seems that those pesk revolving doors have bitten the dust. They were all taped up and folded up to one side.........maybe someone lost an arm in there or something.......?!


You're right about the old layout it used to be freezing........


Has anybody ever got parked in front of the place? I was there at 10:30 this morning and it was still full.......Does everybody who works at the centretainment drive to work?!


I got a spot about 30 feet from the doors at 7:30pm on Saturday night.. Was chuffed :D


(No, wasn't a disabled spot either).




(The film, Alexander, was crap).

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I went to see The Aviator at Vue in meadowhall on friday afternoon and for the first 10 minutes the lights kept coming on and off and the picture was on the wrong setting, it went up and down instead of across to fill the screen. I went to tell someone but the only person to be found was the lass behind the popcorn counter who had to phone someone up to sort it out.


So its not just UGC that sucks sometimes!


ps- The Aviator is brilliant. If Dicaprio and Scorsese don't win an oscar then the academy are corrupt gits!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, as an employee at the UGC cinema at Sheffield I thought I should take the time out to defend our efforts!

I work on the concessions bit (one of the chicks who tells you we don't have any hot dogs ready for 10 minutes!), and yes, we are well aware at the time it takes customers to queue up to purchase snacks etc, and also, yes, the price of the food is VERY expensive compared to the prices in supermarkets, but the profit from the food pays for pretty much EVERYTHING in the cinema - basically, if it wasn't for the food, there wouldn't be a cinema industry. The vast majority of the money made from the ticket sales go straight back to the film companies.

If you don't like the prices just bring your own munchies :)


And with the queuing problem, we do the best that we can, with the people that are on. There are times when there blatantly isn't enough staff on (or we have certain individuals who aren't the quickest people in the world), but we can only do what we can. Plus, it doesn't help with people being arkward with their food orders, or asking for a coffee AFTER getting the rest of their food (the coffee machine takes AGES, ask for it first if you don't want to wait a long time!)


Oh, and btw, I'm not on commision for this post! lol.

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Originally posted by HottyMcBuff

-Sound. At least 70% of the time there is a glitch with the sound making it come from just 1 side or sounding underwater.

-Screen (projection?). Why have about 10 adverts with subtitles when the projection is set so that the subtitles are too low to read.

-Food. Overcharging of a captive market sucks.

-Those new revolving doors. Possibly more dangerous than trying to perform open heart surgery on yourself. With just a spoon. Blindfolded. Using just your feet.

-Toilets. Smell really bad all the time. Like a dead baboon covered in cat p**s.


Sound - I saw around 200 films last year at UGC, of which maybe 5 or 6 had sound problems. Either you are crap at maths, or you need to get your ears syringed


Screen - You really care about the adverts that much? Don't you have a TV set? So long as the main film is in the correct aspect, what does it matter (the problem is caused by the adverts being in a different aspect to the main feature)


Food - Show me a cheaper cinema for food! If you don't want to pay...don't buy it! I recall, from my early childhood, that the prices of food has always been high! It is simple business economics. The food is the source of income, with the ticket price barely covering the distributers cost and projection costs.


Revolving Doors - At least it is warmer. If they upset you so much, use the disabled access door to the side


Toilets - Well, who would expect a toilet to smell like...erm...a toilet after a few thousand people have used it!


If you really hate the place that much, why go there? Cancel your subscription to the card, and stop funding them if they are so bad!!! No one forces you to 'suffer' so much.


To me you sound like a professional complainer, and I met a heck of a lot of you during my last job. People who go somewhere purely to complain, thinking it makes them important. Just to let you know...it doesn't. It makes y6ou a very sad man! If my local chip shop sold burnt chips all the time, but for only 10p, I still wouldn't buy them. So why return to a place you hate?

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I think UGC is a great cinema - especially like the legroom.


Anyway, my one problem is the food. Well, the Nachos in particular.


When I go to the cinema I eat Nachos. I like them. It's what I do. I'm not greedy - I only order a regular size, but on my Nachos I like a bit of salsa, a bit of cheese sauce and a few chillis.


I have been able to purchase my favourite snack like this for many years until a couple of months ago, when upon ordering I was told "sorry sir, we've changed our Nachos policy - you can now have either salsa or cheese, but not both". Apparently they were using too much salsa/cheese, so they've got to cut down. I was shocked and upset - I asked whether I could have half of each (meaning they wouldn't on average be using any more), but my request was declined.


The only way to get both toppings is to order the large size (4 quid?). Like I could eat all that! Are UGC encouraging people to eat larger portions of unhealthy food? That's not very responsible in a society with an increasing obesity problem!


Besides, come on UGC... how much is a bit of salsa at cost price? I pay £2.70 for a few crisps... surely your mark-up is big enough on this product?

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Ugc is the best cinema in sheffield,


All though you are right about over priced food and crappy sound system.


Other than that though it is excellent, there are creeky floor boards in some of the screen rooms to that are pretty annoying, especially when some fat fidgeter is sat above you.


If you go before 12pm then you cant go wrong really.


At least there is central heating in there, the last time I went to odeon in town it was freezing and over priced food wise, plus the screen isn't that big either.

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As a mainstream cinema, UGC is the best in Sheffield by a long shot, and for UGc, one of the best in the country.


The problems with the parking are beyond our control as it is Centretainment that owns and controls the parking, and because it is also a park and ride, this uses a lot of spaces.


As for the sound, the projectionists are a great team and technical difficulties sometimes just cannot be avoided, but are very rare. I'm sick of customers complaining that the screen is out of rack.. when it is still in adverts and trailers. As long as the feature is ok, who cares? Apparently there is an issue with the DTS and I think we rarely are able to use the sound that is imprinted on the print, so have to use a CD (but i'm not certain at all.)


The revolving doors are much better now that they have been fixed and keep the foyer a lot warmer, apart from idiots that mess around pushing them as fast as they can, or other daft people that just stand looking at the 'push' sign, waiting for them to revolve for them.


The food isn't bad at all really, and as others have mentioned, thats where we have to make the profit.


Also, why do Unlimited customers think that they have some divine right for superior treatment? I had a card for 3 years, and it is excellent value for money, and you even have an express till (which isn't always as express as it should be due to sheer numbers!), but at the end of the day- we make very little profit on Unlimited customers who use their card a lot, particularly if they bring their own food!

Even when the queue at box office is up to the doors, it only takes 10 minutes to get through, and we offer the cheapest concessions than any other cinema!


Creaky floorboards?? what?! the floors are concrete mate!


Chavs- everyone agrees- the scurge of the cinema but apart from chucking unruly ones out, not a lot else we can do?


UGC is now owned by Cineworld, so a refit could be in order in the future?


Last point- we have one of the biggest true cinema screens in the UK, so why are you all complaining!


:confused: :confused:

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