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The Great Big UGC & Cinema Thread


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Dammit...I know I promised I wouldn't post here again, but I have to reply to funkyukgal as Leebo don't work there anymore.


The situation - We are still continuing the Unlimited till, despite the fact it is NOT part of the contract, or deal for the card (the card allows you to see as many films as you want for £10.99 per month - that's all.) The 'priority till' is an idea we only do in Sheffield, and has never been implemented elsewhere.


As I said, we are continuing it, and try to have it manned as much as we can. Our peak time is normally between 7.30pm and 9pm, thus, as was pointed out, the team member assigned to it was on their break (needed to get it in before it got extremely busy). As it was very busy this weekend (some little film about plasticine was doing great box office), there were no spare staff to man it whilst they had a break. We would have loved to have had someone on it in their place, but screens needed cleaning, snacks needed selling, etc. Our staffing levels for that shift were more than a usual Sunday, but we were sadly still lacking in manpower (and had a few sicknesses to boot). We would have loved to have gotten more staff in, but for some reason they tend to have other plans on their days off, so it is hard to get additional staff called in.


I'm disgusted that the member of staff gave the impression that the manager wasn't well liked! If she came across as curt, I reassure you this is not her normal nature, and can only guess that the shift was getting to her a bit (I know I had difficulty keeping my polite posture a few times that night).


Cineworld (the company) has nothing to do with the Unlimited till, that is OUR choice to put it in place. In fact Cineworld have adopted the Unlimited card themselves, and now implemented it throughout their cinema chain. As for the price going up...it did earlier this year, when we were UGC. That was simple economics (it had been the same price since it came out years ago...£1 extra isn't much).


All of these issues have been discussed earlier in this very thread.


As for anyone who wishes to cancel their cards simply because they don't want to queue with other people - that's up to them, I ain't going to stop them. As stated the priority till is something we don't have to do (there has never been any promise of skipping the queue), but we choose to do instead. If the card is cancelled you will not only have to join the main queue at all times, but also pay a substantial deal more to see the films each month.




f_g : I will tell Stu that he has a fan. ;)

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A film about plasticine? Sounds riveting! I've seen a few films which use plasticine in their production, but one actually about plasticine...? Well, I'm sure it beats all the films about flesh and blood the film studios are forever fobbing us off with.


;) (pinch of salt also required)

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Originally posted by DanSumption

A film about plasticine? Sounds riveting! I've seen a few films which use plasticine in their production, but one actually about plasticine...? Well, I'm sure it beats all the films about flesh and blood the film studios are forever fobbing us off with.


;) (pinch of salt also required)


Hehe. Although in the most case recent films have been about lumps of wood (particularly if the words Orlando and Bloom can be read on the poster) ;)

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A question regarding the unlimited card...


What does the following mean, it's stated in the UCG website for the unlimited card holders... do we get invitations? how/when?


Preferential invitations to UGC Exclusive Advance Screenings, Recommended screenings, festivals and special events



There is a list with special previews on a weekly 2-page movie newsletter produced by UGC Sheffield, how can I book tickets (as an unlimited card holder) for these previews? Do I just go to the till and buy the tickets like I do for all other movies?




One more question, what are the screens on the ground floor, screens 18,19? Are these the Full Monty ones ?

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The invite thing generally works for Recommended screenings. With this, a film is selected as a potential 'word of mouth' film, and we hand Unlimited cardholders who come into the building an invite toa screening. You don't know what the film will be, the idea being that you don't get to pre-judge the film, and at the end we ask you to fill in a comment card. If over 75% give a thumbs up, then it becomes a Recommended film.


There are other events, such as when we have a Special Preview, we sometimes do it where we give out tickets to media partners (such as Hallam FM) and save some for Unlimited customers again. Feel free to ask whenever you are in.


As for the screens on the bottom floor (19 and 20) they were the old Premiere Screens, and have comfy seats in them. Same price as normal screen, just much more relaxing.


The Full Monty screen is Screen 7 (biggest screen).




Edit: Dammit...I'm still posting! ;)

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bring back the studio 567,, classic,, gaumont.. ha ha.. seriously,, only probs we have is the bloody car parking HAHHHH..also,, anyideas why,, say.. a person with both theirs /partners cards cant get the tickets ,, instead of both having to be there..

Russell/alistair/paul good managers,, very friendly,, plus the tall female 1 with short blonde hair,,,

anyway what about the meadowhall cinema ??

thoughts bout that ??

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The card is photo ID and proff that the person is entitled to the Unlimited ticket. If you were to present two cards, one for another person, what is to say that you haven't stolen that card, or are using it for someone who it doesn't belong to? Same way that you cannot use a credit or bank card belonging to someone else.

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